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link to D@SE tutos

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link to D@SE tutos

Postby dose » 01.04.2012, 04:13


since more and more people are asking me
to help them I will regroup here all the links for my stuff and knowledge ;)

my website : D@SE STUFF - MAIN
(can find most of my stuff there)

my youtube tutorials : http://www.youtube.com/user/1facecaf1?ob=0&feature=results_main

my music soundcloud : SP1N3R's sounds on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

OUR facebook page : Nicht unterst
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Postby Tabasco » 01.04.2012, 09:14

Nice, Like FB page....
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Postby N00BYZOR » 01.04.2012, 22:02

Big thanks for making a video tutorial for me^^ I didn't expected it, you're great, man :thumbup:
I will try to fix it tomorrow.
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Postby dose » 02.04.2012, 01:38

Your more than welcome mate !

ask a question ,
expect an answer !

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Postby N00BYZOR » 02.04.2012, 12:48

Ok so, in fact, I have to remove the red channel of the normal map ? (making black alpha on it is egual to remove it)

My laptop is not powerful enough to handle hight shadows, so I will check if it's ok when I will come back to my home in a few days, and try my mod on my big pc. ^^
I will give you feedback ;)
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Postby N00BYZOR » 06.04.2012, 17:01

Ok so... I have only photoshop elements 7, in which I can't see the channels. I mean I can modify the RVB channels in the adjustment options, but I can't see the alpha one... or maybe I just really dont know how to do it in ps elements. :s

So, does someone here know how to do it in PS elements, or is there a free software I can download to do it ?
Last edited by N00BYZOR on 10.04.2012, 14:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby dose » 07.04.2012, 06:40

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Postby N00BYZOR » 15.04.2012, 22:01

Thx for help but even with all those tutos I can't get this bug fixed with elements...
So, my bro gave me CS5 and I did what you show in the video tutorial, it works well now :thumbsup:

Big thx Dose :thumbup:

And CS5 is much better than elements, lot of new functions :)
Btw my mod is almost finished, I will upload it here soon ;)

(sorry for the delay of the answer, I have no time at the moment)
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