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General discussion

PostPosted: 17.07.2010, 15:29
by MadeAnonymous
General feedback for my contests. You can give me tips about contests I can host (not only "guess the track", you can give feedback on the answering system and more.

but do not discuss the answer of the current contest. It will get you banned.

PostPosted: 17.07.2010, 15:59
by MadeAnonymous
in addition to contest tips and feedback, maybe some of you have some ideas for a prize/prizes, or maybe some of you want to donate a prize. just let me know

PostPosted: 19.07.2010, 10:26
by Igntul
tag for a prize... or a showcase of his track
idea: guess the mod from one texture or one screenshot aswell

PostPosted: 19.07.2010, 17:45
by keso_rtv
i agreee with ign for tag,a gold one with smal llogo of contest and place he won :D

PostPosted: 19.07.2010, 20:04
by Tabasco
One Day with his Favorite RPG Tracks on Server :D

PostPosted: 22.07.2010, 16:08
by Tabasco
i know the Mod but not the Map............

I Search ^^

PostPosted: 22.07.2010, 17:05
by Promaxer
I agree with Igntul a tag would be nice =)

PostPosted: 22.07.2010, 17:54
by Nyrbius
Yh... A tag sounds nice, but don't need to be a gold one, it's very expensive, the bronze I think is enough... ;)

PostPosted: 14.12.2010, 22:49
by Fowidner
Was there another cup upcomming at Xmas

I heard something about Kacklappen RPG cup was coming back at Xmas?? ?(

PostPosted: 15.12.2010, 10:17
by Tabasco
Kacklappen rpg Cup is coming again in 2011
But not to x-mas...............

I dont know about a x-mas cup.