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Zero 12h RPG Race Results.

Zero 12h RPG Race Results.

Postby DeathCookies » 18.03.2012, 00:20

First of all:
It were nice 12 hours of great driving!
Unfortuneatly we had some problems in the beginning:
We forget to make the server up that we can start at 12.00.....
The script had the first 3 hours some problems we had to fix.....
Some people could not drive because they (and we) made a mistake: Case sensitive.....
nivek-XT was in the teams file but in TM he is called nivek-xt and so he was not the player that the plugin expectet and the plugin forbid him to play.....
Also we had to make the Resultstable on our own because we did not mention the 5 Minutes of break where the players are changing and still driving a bit.... so we had to restart all and made some screens....
And by making the screens the plugin does not show the stats from 18.55-19.55......

So we missed it and have no cp numbers of the teams....

But all in all it was a nice cup imo
Now we know what to make better for the next time, the next Zero RPG Race, the 24h RPG Race!!!
To improve the features of the plugin or just to know what to make better it would be good if u can write some feedback!

But now here are the results:
(PS: I know that the numbers of the rounds are incorrect...just to proove if everybody has at least 3h)
The most teams got disqualified because not every member drive at least 3 hours!
For all who wanna see the details of each round can download the following ImageZipFolder

All Screens

The prizes were sent to the Winners!

Last edited by DeathCookies on 18.03.2012, 11:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Shortz » 18.03.2012, 08:41

gg zero for the nice race, I didn
Proud Member of team BX3, no loose ends!
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Posts: 341
Joined: 08.06.2010, 21:12

Postby DeathCookies » 18.03.2012, 10:41

Well u are right but we had some start problems so we made a wron decision^^
And we asked Team Alternate to get their Plugin but they said that they do not give it to us... -.-"
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Joined: 02.11.2011, 18:59

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