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eSU RPG week #1 - Builders needed [closed]

PostPosted: 01.10.2011, 15:35
by Shortz
Hey guys,

as u can see we will organize a RPG christmas cup in the middle of december and we need 6 maps, so here are the restrictions:

- lenght: between 7-15 minutes
- Christmas restriction: Every map needs christmas mod and a story
- no tmunlimiter dirt cuts
- no out of stadium dirt routes
- avoid luckjumps & lucky tricks (we want a good competive feeling)

thats all now the prices for the best 6 mappers:

Winner: 10.000 coppers + gold tag
Second: 7.500 coppers + silver tag
Third: 5.000 coppers + bronze tag
Fourth: bronze tag
Fifth: bronze tag
Sixth: bronze tag
so I hope to get some track.


PostPosted: 01.10.2011, 20:36
by beep
What a good idea :thumbsup:

Good luck for your cup :)


PostPosted: 01.10.2011, 21:09
by Igntul
gogo Pstars cup ;)
ill try to make a map too, maybe, possibly, probably..
i gotta use big al's xmas mod or i can make my own?

PostPosted: 01.10.2011, 21:32
by Niiel-Moo
i hate Xmas

PostPosted: 01.10.2011, 22:12
by Shortz
Ign, you could also create a totally new mod, and I know U

PostPosted: 02.10.2011, 17:51
by Sensi
ill try to make a map too

PostPosted: 06.10.2011, 16:21
by Reahx
ill try to make a xmas map

PostPosted: 01.11.2011, 08:00
by Shortz
closed so far, will reopen it in a few months ...