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BNC RPG Week #2 Builders

PostPosted: 25.07.2011, 01:49
by Mario
Heyha RPG Builders!

The Bionic Gaming Clan started with planing the BNC RPG Week #2! :lol:

Now we are searching for some Builders to secure a nice Competition.

We need at least 7 Builders. If we have more, we will choose the best ones.

Top 3 Builders will get Tags and Coppers as price.

This are the Rules:

Map Lengh: Between 6 and 20 Minutes

Style: RPG

Open Betatests?: Yes

Deadline: 1. October

Updated List Of Builders

  1. DisGo
  2. Bax
  3. Igntul
  4. Nom

PostPosted: 25.07.2011, 08:54
by Sensi
wie gesagt ich kann auch eine machen!^^

PostPosted: 25.07.2011, 10:18
by eie
How exactly do you know who the best builder is?

PostPosted: 25.07.2011, 10:57
by Mario
eie wrote:How exactly do you know who the best builder is?

good question, on last cup we decided on our own (The head of RPG Squad of BNC) we had looked at MT, Track, Storyfeeling etc.
But we are open for new suggestions, if u think that wouldnt be okay ;)

Builderlist updated!

PostPosted: 25.07.2011, 18:38
by eie
I see. I might also want to build something (or finish something undone) if that okay ^^
but where would I sign up?

PostPosted: 25.07.2011, 21:26
by Shortz
count me in maybe I could get something nice done :p

and hopefully u will choose this time maps wich are more huntable as the previouse tracks ;) (no offence here to anyone)

PostPosted: 25.07.2011, 21:59
by popgun
Count me in too please. I 'll make something nice.



PostPosted: 26.07.2011, 10:50
by Mario
eie wrote:but where would I sign up?

U can sign up here with a simple post like the others:P

Thanks to all who want to Buld :O (perhaps...but just perhaps!!!^^ i am thinking about 10 days or 2 weeks...let

PostPosted: 26.07.2011, 20:02
by Igntul
ahhmmmm... when did i say that i'm in? :D
but probably I am, probably, pheraps, maybe..

PostPosted: 26.07.2011, 21:10
by Mario
Igntul wrote:ahhmmmm... when did i say that i'm in? :D
but probably I am, probably, pheraps, maybe..

well, i have no screen to proof it :D but i think they were enough people at the Server to proof it :thumbup:

Builderlist Updated!

PostPosted: 26.07.2011, 22:16
by Igntul
i said maybe :p

PostPosted: 27.07.2011, 10:35
by Mario
Well, but at least u are in^^ like always :P

but i am really sure u said directly "yes" after u heared that beta is allowed^^

PostPosted: 27.07.2011, 11:09
by Sensi
i know you said it^^

PostPosted: 27.07.2011, 22:04
by Igntul
who cares, i am doing that just to raise my posts-number.
is there any rule mapper-racer this time?

PostPosted: 29.07.2011, 14:50
by Mario
I think we will make it like last cup, but maybe we make 10 days and 7 Maps count for everyone. In that case it would be better

PostPosted: 29.07.2011, 21:36
by benny59138
yop all

I would like to join also ;) ,


PostPosted: 30.07.2011, 10:38
by Mario
Great :)

Builderlist Updated!

PostPosted: 30.07.2011, 10:41
by Worms686
Hey, I have a question: would you confirm a duo made track? (a track that is beeing built now with me and another guy). Maby we can split the price in half? ;) (if we manage to get to the top ofc) :rolleyes:
//Fao worms

PostPosted: 30.07.2011, 12:28
by Mario
Worms686 wrote:Hey, I have a question: would you confirm a duo made track? (a track that is beeing built now with me and another guy). Maby we can split the price in half? ;) (if we manage to get to the top ofc) :rolleyes:
//Fao worms

Well, theoretical it would be possible, but the Price will be Tag + Coppers and how do u want to split the tag? :/

PostPosted: 30.07.2011, 14:28
by Worms686
Mario wrote:[quote='Worms686','index.php?page=Thread&postID=5724#post5724']Hey, I have a question: would you confirm a duo made track? (a track that is beeing built now with me and another guy). Maby we can split the price in half? ;) (if we manage to get to the top ofc) :rolleyes:
//Fao worms

Well, theoretical it would be possible, but the Price will be Tag + Coppers and how do u want to split the tag? :/[/quote] Hmm did not think of that :wacko:
I will see what my partner says

PostPosted: 30.07.2011, 20:10
by Worms686
Okey, forget all about the duo track :wacko:
You can still count me in cuz i will make a track by myself ^^
//fao worms

PostPosted: 01.08.2011, 07:45
by Tabasco
17 builders ^^

Save some Tracks for the nxt event :D :dance:

PostPosted: 04.08.2011, 08:57
by Niiel-Moo
Arriopolis and I are going to build a track too.

About splitting, I don't have United..

PostPosted: 04.08.2011, 15:37
by Mario
19 Builder for 18 Maps now :O

Thank u all! :thumbsup:

PostPosted: 04.08.2011, 20:27
by Shortz
go for a 3 week long cup :D