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Bionic RPG Event Week Builders

PostPosted: 27.02.2011, 01:07
by Mario

the Bionic Clan is planning a Big RPG Week with 7 new Maps. (Informations follow)

At the moment we are searching for builders.

We need 5 more.

PostPosted: 27.02.2011, 18:29
by Housekeepr
What are the Qualifications for building one?

Tracklength and stuff?

I started building, so I'll keep you posted...

PostPosted: 27.02.2011, 19:17
by nom²
we need more informations but in general i'd say yes :)

PostPosted: 27.02.2011, 20:49
by Mario
The Tracklenght must be between 7 and 15 minuts 1. dedi (i know nobody can know it but u can estimate it)

The Difficulty is not very important, just no Trial pls xD

PostPosted: 27.02.2011, 22:59
by Fowidner
I could try to make one track if u guys really need :thumbsup:

PostPosted: 28.02.2011, 12:47
by Igntul
Mario wrote:The Tracklenght must be between 7 and 15 minuts 1. dedi (i know nobody can know it but u can estimate it)

ok remove me from list

PostPosted: 28.02.2011, 19:43
by Mario
How long is ure shortest map Iggy? xD

@ Fowidner: would be nice :P

PostPosted: 03.03.2011, 16:55
by nom²
i will build one. just tell me the date.

PostPosted: 10.03.2011, 13:10
by Tyroc
We still need 1, better 2 more builders.
The tracks should be finished until 20th of April (we wanna start at 25th)

PostPosted: 10.03.2011, 18:11
by keso_rtv
i can map if u wanna :)

PostPosted: 10.03.2011, 18:57
by Mario
sounds great :)

PostPosted: 10.03.2011, 18:57
by Tyroc
We definitely wanna^^

PostPosted: 11.03.2011, 10:56
by Logand
I have one under construction is almost finished.

I can participate.
if you need another mapper?

PostPosted: 11.03.2011, 11:54
by Mario
U can :)

So i dont must build one :D

PostPosted: 11.03.2011, 19:09
by keso_rtv
bad news,i cant map,grounded xD

PostPosted: 11.03.2011, 20:57
by Tyroc
:( but ok, i think we have 7 mappers anyway.....does not mean you shall not build if you wanna. More maps to choose from=better^^

PostPosted: 13.03.2011, 10:43
by popgun
I've got one almost finished too, with a new mod, if you want it. :this:

PostPosted: 13.03.2011, 12:55
by Mario
sure, send me a pm with a link or add me in ICQ.

At the moment we have 9 Maps so the best will be used in the Cup :)

PostPosted: 13.03.2011, 18:16
by Igntul
prizes for mappers? :D

PostPosted: 14.03.2011, 12:47
by Tyroc
we will think about it.

PostPosted: 15.03.2011, 21:22
by trunks_11
Some mappers have made some RPG

PostPosted: 16.03.2011, 11:23
by Housekeepr
Are u one of those? :D

I haven't at least, tough im working on 2 maps for a little (and long) while :p

PostPosted: 16.03.2011, 13:47
by Mario
I think we make prices for the mappers, but we dont know actually how they look like

PostPosted: 16.03.2011, 14:18
by trunks_11
Well, i know some ppl who does that.. and with some tracks i do that too :D

PostPosted: 16.03.2011, 15:30
by Mario
which poeple? :P

but its important that there are no beta testers! (for a fair event)