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Competo 24h race

PostPosted: 15.12.2010, 14:56
by Shortz
Hey guys, I want to show u (in my oppinion) the best event in trackmania, the 24h race by competo.

The rules are very easy:
- 4 players in 1 team
- everyone have to drive atleast 4 hours
- every round is 1 hour long, 55 minutes racing 5 minutes break to change the drivers etc.
- one round on the track will be ~ 4 minutes long


PostPosted: 15.12.2010, 15:22
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
Team MfG joined :vain:
Nice trailer, shortz, except the music :crazy:

PostPosted: 15.12.2010, 18:04
by Shortz
The music is soft d'n'b Al :>

PostPosted: 15.12.2010, 18:46
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
Ja, ich fand den Fader am Ende net so gelungen, aber sonst echt nice :thumbup:

PostPosted: 15.12.2010, 20:08
by DisGo
uih seh gerade das viele rpg fahrer mitmachen :D swrt macht vllt mit 3 teams mit ;P

PostPosted: 15.12.2010, 20:11
by Shortz
Ja das ende is net das beste aber sollte halt nicht l