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The Next Cup is coming next Tuesday

PostPosted: 13.10.2010, 09:30
by NOW

PostPosted: 13.10.2010, 09:38
by trunks_11
NOW wrote:The Next Cup is coming next Thursday
19.10.10... You mean next Tuesday?

PostPosted: 13.10.2010, 09:50
by NOW
Date: 19.10.10 19.00 CET

PostPosted: 13.10.2010, 18:20
by Kiyo
19.00 CET ????

Ok far too early for me, so i can't come.


PostPosted: 13.10.2010, 19:07
by NOW
I will change it to 19:30, because the last cup was on this time, too

PostPosted: 13.10.2010, 19:40
by Housekeepr
Subscribed :)

PostPosted: 14.10.2010, 10:00
by trunks_11
Last time it was too early for me.. I try to come this time ^^

PostPosted: 14.10.2010, 10:03
by Promaxer
damn cant go, to much work :/

PostPosted: 19.10.2010, 16:43
by NOW
Starts today 19:30 gogo!

PostPosted: 19.10.2010, 21:03
by trunks_11
gratulation r2... agin :p

Yeah found the eastereggs in 10min :thumbup:

PostPosted: 19.10.2010, 21:27
by NOW