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4F Weekend RPG 2

PostPosted: 05.06.2010, 06:11
by beep
Hey all RPG player

We announce the forthcoming opening of a tournament "4Freaks Weekend RPG 2" on HEAVENS RPG

Theme : Best awarded TMX

Opening date: Friday 11/06/2010 17:00 (5PM) CET (UTC+1/GMT+1)
Closing date: Sunday 13/06/2010 21:00 (9PM) CET (UTC+1/GMT+1)

MONTEZUMAS TREASURE by TsarGermany (109 award)
SOBEKITE by Kryw (71 award)
THE GREAT ESCAPE by Fish (67 award)
[RPG] Ex Gehenna 2 by Enai Siaion (64 award)
[RPG] Four Powers by sebik1992 (59 award)
Pyramids Of Giza [RPG] by HarDance (47 award)

Server is in TA mode
round 1 hours
Jukebox is ON
Naxt map and restart vote is ON with 90%
Server is running and all record are ase by xaseco.
At the end of time, the classification is determined.

Price :
1st : 5000 coppers + tag
2nd : 2000 coppers + tag
3rd : 1000 coppers + tag
4th : 500 coppers
5th : 500 coppers
and for player without tumf account, a tag ll be given for rank 1,2 and 3

See you soon on 4Freaks Weekend RPG 2
4Freaks Clan ^^ Image Image

PostPosted: 05.06.2010, 15:10
by MadeAnonymous
ahh, I have my exams this weekend ;(

PostPosted: 05.06.2010, 19:29
by beep
Ouuppps sorry TEc :(

PostPosted: 05.06.2010, 20:36
by HawkGer
It's kinda bad timing for me too but I hope I will at least be able to play during the days ;) Great to see you organizing a second edition though, we need more of that :)

PostPosted: 06.06.2010, 18:18
by trunks_11
[size=100][color=#000000]Okey beep, this time i

PostPosted: 06.06.2010, 18:51
by beep
I hope me too for no problem (withou storm or other thing)

Friday, it's french team who ll play ^^ lol

PostPosted: 07.06.2010, 13:11
by MadeAnonymous

PostPosted: 07.06.2010, 17:17
by beep
thx Tec :)

PostPosted: 07.06.2010, 17:49
by Tabasco
Anonymous wrote:Posted on the RPG blog: Trackmania RPG blog: 4freaks weekend RPG tournament #2

And Twitter + Facebook :D

PostPosted: 07.06.2010, 18:43
by trunks_11
I hope Henry wont be so..... :D

PostPosted: 08.06.2010, 10:13
by Kiyo
I'll be there this time : D

PostPosted: 08.06.2010, 15:04
by trunks_11
Why isn

PostPosted: 09.06.2010, 10:17
by Tiji78
Can't be here, freind's birthday on friday evening, soccer tournament on saturday (all day long), and family on sunday...


Good Luck and Have Fun guys :)

PostPosted: 09.06.2010, 16:52
by beep
Little change hour of start:

Opening date: Friday 11/06/2010 [color=#0000ff][size=18]17:00 (5PM) CET (UTC+1/GMT+1)


PostPosted: 09.06.2010, 20:00
by Shortz

PostPosted: 10.06.2010, 11:36
by Guest
I re-installed win's and I see my pc is back in action.. though it would've died if I hadn't done the re-installation.. I hope I can participate too ;) gl hf guys !

PostPosted: 11.06.2010, 01:59
by occam
[quote='beep']..."4Freaks Weekend RPG 2" on HEAVENS RPG

Theme : Best awarded TMX

Opening date: Friday 11/06/2010

PostPosted: 11.06.2010, 04:33
by beep
Thx Occam for add link video 8)

PostPosted: 12.06.2010, 07:00
by beep
here's the intermediate serverrank after one night at 9h00


PostPosted: 12.06.2010, 18:21
by trunks_11
1. place is a battle from hawk and r2 and 3. place is a battle from Simon, ...VKLF..., Kiyo, Igntul and me :D

PostPosted: 12.06.2010, 21:35
by Vklf
No matter what the outcome of this contest for me will be (currently 4th )

I'm happy because I have just beaten my PBs on all of these contest maps :)

PostPosted: 13.06.2010, 11:49
by beep
2nd intermediate rank :

sunday 14h (again 7 hour)


PostPosted: 13.06.2010, 11:54
by HawkGer
Waking up today I saw all my recs being taken by r2 (except one). Guess this makes r2 the winner of the contest :)

PostPosted: 13.06.2010, 13:05
by trunks_11
VKLF? I give up, i saw that 4th and 5th place get same prices, so have fun :D

PostPosted: 13.06.2010, 19:53
by beep
Congratulations to all players who come in this event :)

Specially congrats to Realized2 who won this second event

and Hawk, Kiyo, Trunks, VKLF

here's the result:


See you all for next 4F Weekend RPG 3 :)