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TrackBuilding - RPG TaF Contest II

PostPosted: 06.01.2013, 14:36
by taf_team
YO !
From 04/11/2013 to 05/05/2013 is the second RPG TaF Contest edition ON, we keep the same system as last year (more information for player contest coming later) :

Qualification week end 1 : 04/11 to 04/14
Qualification week end 2 : 04/18 to 04/21
Qualification week end 3 : 04/25 to 04/28
final : 05/03 to 05/05

Rank Contest on all Qualification's map

here start the TrackBuilding Contest :

*From 01/06/2013 to 04/01/2013 to send the map here :
*Runtime : from 8 min to 15(+)min for a good player.
*Map have to be new, without any release on TMX or somewhere else

*TackBuilding Rules : some kind of cp have to be avoid :

*Map will be tested by TaF jury with point system (builders will be able to come on test server, "betatest phase"):

- CP , SPOT /50

*According to the mark, 10 map will be selected (3 per qualification week end, 1 for the final week end)

*Prize (accoding to mark and map karma during the contest) :

1 : 15000 coppers + gold tag
2 : 12000 coppers + silver tag
3 : 9000 coppers + silver tag
4 : 7000 coppers + silver tag
5 : 6000 coppers + bronze tag
6 : 5000 coppers + bronze tag
7 : 4000 coppers + bronze tag
8 : 3000 coppers + bronze tag
9 : 2000 coppers + bronze tag
10 : 1000 coppers + bronze tag

*TrackBuilding Contest registration here :
TrackBuilding Registration - RPG TaF Contest II

Du 11/04/2013 au 05/05/2013 aura lieu la seconde

PostPosted: 06.01.2013, 14:48
by taf_team
2012 results :

1 - Sleepy Hollow by Plext
2 - Sumaria by Popgun
3 - Hard Day by giorgosttr
4 - The Glacial Age by onicole
5 - Armacham by Flaix
6 - Tesaratum by shortz
7 - Lost city of gold by Kill-Evil
8 - Shlafkryc by Scizz
9 - Dygonall Cave by Reahxx

PostPosted: 04.04.2013, 13:12
by BuLL||DoZer
When will we get the results? :-)

PostPosted: 04.04.2013, 13:31
by Mario
BuLL||DoZer wrote:When will we get the results? :-)
After the contest
*Prize (accoding to mark and map karma during the contest) :

PostPosted: 04.04.2013, 13:46
by nom²
i guess he's asking for the jury's results^^

PostPosted: 04.04.2013, 14:15
by Mario
ah....want them too :D

PostPosted: 04.04.2013, 14:43
by taf_team
yup, yoyo ^^

we are going to publish the 10 selected map at the next week start, like monday !
only the 10 selected, without any mark :>

cya :assaultrifle:

PostPosted: 04.04.2013, 15:27
by nom²
so what were the teasers for? :doofy:

PostPosted: 04.04.2013, 15:57
by taf_team
lol, people on TM never read ^^
zitat :

more teaser coming (ofc, these teaser doesnt mean anything about the Trackbuilding Contest Results !)

cya ^^

PostPosted: 04.04.2013, 16:13
by nom²
well i did read it but what's the point of showcasing a track that won't have any relation to the cup?

PostPosted: 04.04.2013, 16:31
by taf_team
a track that won't have any relation to the cup?

they all have.... all these teaser are from received map for contest.
well, its only screen, no need to search more.... :whistling:


PostPosted: 04.04.2013, 16:43
by nom²
that seems kind of evil :D
'look at that track that was too bad to make it into it' :evilgrin: