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RPG||| Spain Spring Cup

PostPosted: 20.01.2013, 14:03
by rossi94
There is something BIG incoming, and we need your help!

But how?
- drivers register fast, to help us coordinating everything (teams servers etc.)
- builders [s]please[/s] [s]built[/s][s] us some maps to get the amount of maps we'll require (15 total 15 are already in construction)[/s]



- Rank 1 = 50000 + Gold Tag
- Rank 2 = 35000 + Gold Tag
- Rank 3 = 25000 + Gold Tag
- Rank 4 = 20000 + Silver Tag
- Rank 5 = 15000 + Silver Tag
- Rank 6 = 10000 + Silver Tag
- Rank 7 = 7500 + Bronze Tag
- Rank 8 = 5000 + Bronze Tag
- Rank 9 = 4000 + Bronze Tag
- Rank 10 = 3000 + Bronze Tag
- Rank 11 = Bronze Tag
- Rank 12 = Bronze Tag
- Rank 13 = Bronze Tag
- Rank 14 = Bronze Tag
- Rank 15 = Bronze Tag

Builders will all reviece a Silver Tag. Our jury will decide which map was the best and the winner will become a Gold Tag and 30000 Coppers.

- 3 pathfinding maps the first 2 finishers are qualified - betatesters & builders can't qualify here.
- 3 tracks classic hunting mode - each runs 24h, the 2 best times are qualified
- 3 team maps teams of 5 players will be random created - the average time calculated - the best 2 teams are qualified
- [s]1 girls round, just for the girls out there - the winner will also be qualified[/s]

- 2 rounds team racing ( 3 players per team )
- 3 rounds solo hunting ( again 24h per map )

Ranking system for the finals:
( the player with the highest score will win the cup multiple winners are possible )

- the first one will recieve 5 points
- the second one gets 3
- the third one will own 2
- and the fourth 1


roman_4r & rossi_94
t0bse__ & rossi_94
slooks09 & malun

greets rossi94 :thumbup:

//UPDATE 21.02.2013 - The cup will start @ 10.5 and go till 26.5 timetable of the different rounds will get uploadet soon
// UPDATE 7.05.2013 - prices updated

PostPosted: 20.01.2013, 15:56
Ah ! it finally start :)
That's cool !

But please, it's N00byzor, not N00byz0r ^^

PostPosted: 20.01.2013, 16:10
by rossi94
Sorry bro, changed that :P

PostPosted: 20.01.2013, 19:26
by Tabasco
5000 coppers from me for your cup

Send me the acc for donate

PostPosted: 20.01.2013, 20:37
by rossi94
You can donate on the RPG|||Spain server.

PostPosted: 21.01.2013, 18:26
by Tabasco
Connection falied.
Please look at your server.

PostPosted: 23.01.2013, 21:56
by nom²
are builders allowed to participate in the driving?

PostPosted: 24.01.2013, 15:16
by rossi94
Yes, but they won't be able to qualify in pathfinding mode.

just on their own maps - forgot to mount that :)

PostPosted: 21.02.2013, 09:58
by Luna
when the beginning of the tournament? :rolleyes: girls need to know in advance, so do makeup ^^ :P

PostPosted: 21.02.2013, 18:50
by Mario
Luna wrote:
when the beginning of the tournament? :rolleyes: girls need to know in advance, so do makeup ^^
rossi94 wrote://UPDATE 21.02.2013 - The cup will start @ 10.5 and go till 26.5 timetable of the different rounds will get uploadet soon :)

PostPosted: 22.02.2013, 19:42
by Shortz
perfect starttime, rigth after SPS Grand finals x)

PostPosted: 06.05.2013, 17:45
by Panasco
Are builders allowed to attend the whole cup as spectator, although not participating in the driving? :)

PostPosted: 07.05.2013, 21:07
by rossi94
Registration will get closed tomorrow 20:00 GMT.

PostPosted: 08.05.2013, 07:40
by beep
Where send donate?

PostPosted: 08.05.2013, 14:45
by chica
U can send donate to roman_4r

PostPosted: 10.05.2013, 09:49
by Roman4r
Donation to roman_4r:

beep - 30000
nom - 20000

hf & gl with the cup :gamer:

PostPosted: 13.05.2013, 15:49
by trunks_11
rossi94 wrote:Registration will get closed tomorrow 20:00 GMT.

Do the registrations after that time count? And shall I close the registration thread?

A question about the team rounds... what rank do the not finishers of a team get?

PostPosted: 14.05.2013, 03:10
by rossi94
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