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Offer your help for the RPG Blog & voice your opinion

READ FIRST: Info & Discussion

Postby HawkGer » 13.05.2010, 12:42

The purpose of this subforum is mainly to give writers the chance to submit articles for the RPG blog. I believe this medium is quite effective for such a task, as it offers direct exchange between people. It would be great to see a few people collaborating together on one article.

When you decided to write an article for the blog, open a new thread and write in there. I will make a peer review once the article is complete and if it is okay it will be published on the blog.

You can basically cover all the topics which have to do with RPG; ranging from track articles, events and contests to tutorials and basic tips. Some of the opinions of the readers you might find here regarding new articles: Trackmania RPG blog: What do you want to see more of on the RPG blog?

In case you have an idea for a new article but don't want to write it yourself, post it in here and someone might pick up on it. Also, if you feel like talking about the RPG Blog in general and improvements that could be made, you can voice your opinion here ;)
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