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Important survey >> Can you access

PostPosted: 28.12.2010, 16:27
by HawkGer
As some of you may already know fallen recently shut down his servers on which the vinummusik files were also being hosted. To not let the files die I bought a 2 year webspace package from Everything looked fine...all files were already uploaded...until suddenly we (Tabasco, BigAl and me) didn't have access to the server anymore. Long story short, apparently there was a server attack at revido and some users accidentally got blocked as a preemptive measure.
Revido is not willing to unblock all users linked to, so we have to do it by hand.
Click on the following link to see if you are blocked:

To get an idea of how many people are blocked I would like you to fill out the poll in this thread. If too many are blocked total, I might have to find a different webspace provider...

Thx in advance

PostPosted: 28.12.2010, 17:05
by Lambda
Link works fine and the files are available for download.

PostPosted: 28.12.2010, 19:15
by beep
acces is ok, and list of mod are here.

Download is ok and ko/s are good :thumbup:

PostPosted: 28.12.2010, 19:26
by Promaxer
Works nicely :chinese:

PostPosted: 28.12.2010, 22:45
by Brainmaster
Works just fine :)

PostPosted: 29.12.2010, 01:50
by Guest
im not blocked ;) :dance:

PostPosted: 29.12.2010, 08:25
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
not blocked

PostPosted: 29.12.2010, 12:42
by Shortz
works for me aswell

PostPosted: 29.12.2010, 15:00
by HawkGer
Okay that looks much better than I had feared...20 votes so far and noone seems to be blocked ^^

PostPosted: 04.01.2011, 12:29
by Promaxer
Possible error?

PostPosted: 04.01.2011, 13:04
by Tabasco
Promaxer wrote:Possible error?

No error.
Folder will be fixed today.

PostPosted: 04.01.2011, 18:54
by Promaxer
oh ok

PostPosted: 05.01.2011, 09:22
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢

PostPosted: 15.02.2011, 08:45
by Skeleton
Not sure if I made a big mistake guys sorry.
I'm now part of mania creative helping Tstar and we had a member looking for a mod.
Took me a while to find it because it was hosted on tmmod site. Anyway I found the mod through Google and found it on I gave the person who was looking for it a link to it. Later on I Googled vinummusik and found this thread and thought I better not tell anyone else about these mods being hosted here. The person I gave the link to has now posted on mania creative about it here
Sorry again and let me know if you want me to delete this thread on mania creative and I'll delete it right away.


PostPosted: 15.02.2011, 12:25
by Housekeepr
Don't Worry :-) It's ok !

PostPosted: 15.02.2011, 12:29
by Skeleton
I pm'd the person that made the post and thank you for posting on there and clearing that up HouseKeepR.

PostPosted: 15.02.2011, 12:38
by Housekeepr
He could promote the RPG forum afc ^^

PostPosted: 15.02.2011, 12:47
by Vklf
Well it's not really a hidden mod site since all the links to the vinummusik site are also in this list here

PostPosted: 15.02.2011, 13:12
by HawkGer
That hasn't ben updated in ages ^^ I would guess only about 60% of the mods on the server are in the RPG Mod Page list...but yeah...the directory isn't very hidden :)

PostPosted: 15.02.2011, 21:22
by trunks_11
A lot pages of the blogspot haven

PostPosted: 15.02.2011, 23:03
by HawkGer
Not impossible, would take one day ....but you would be wasted for one week after really is THAT boring ^^ And for me time is too precious right now, so I definitely won't do it....can't even keep my promise to update the modpage during my semester break :rolleyes:

PostPosted: 16.02.2011, 18:23
by trunks_11
Yes that