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Codes to United?

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Codes to United?

Postby thethiny » 12.06.2012, 11:41

could anyone please provide me with a code to United?
Because I work at a website called Alive2play.com and I'm writing a NADEO review , and I wish to maximize my review with the united capabilities , if no one can , lets say I purchased United the Game , Would I recieve a serial or I have to buy it individually?
Posts: 15
Joined: 11.06.2012, 14:08

Postby trunks_11 » 12.06.2012, 14:17

-You can buy a serial at nadeo store directly, then you can download the extension from the united page.
-You can buy it with disk and then install it on your computer and use the key on your account.
-You can buy it on steam and download it from steam or the united page.
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Postby thethiny » 12.06.2012, 17:14

trunks_11 wrote:-You can buy a serial at nadeo store directly, then you can download the extension from the united page.
-You can buy it with disk and then install it on your computer and use the key on your account.
-You can buy it on steam and download it from steam or the united page.
Posts: 15
Joined: 11.06.2012, 14:08

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