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RESPAWN not avalable (SOLVED)

PostPosted: 07.11.2011, 19:56
by dose
I don't know why but i think my tm

PostPosted: 07.11.2011, 20:22
by Tabasco
Backspace is RS to cp....

Try ENTER key, and.......??

PostPosted: 07.11.2011, 21:10
by Mario
well maybe u drove on a server where respawn isnt possible? just have a look in the options ;)

PostPosted: 07.11.2011, 21:33
by dose
[s]No, I have tried "All" key ^^

and its on "all" track" I play (online and from mine or tm.

the only key working are:

Backspace = restart
num1= cam 1
num2= cam 2
num3= cam 3
num7= cam 7
num0= horn
all arrows= driving
F10= snapshot
TAB= Spec
spacebar= chat
Enter= ???????? nothing
but still nothing happen when hit "enter" like it was in tmnf ?!

EDIT: I really don't know how it been fixd but now "enter" work"

Thanks everyone! GG