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Other people's tracks in the "Tracks" thread?

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Other people's tracks in the "Tracks" thread?

Postby pjw » 11.12.2013, 04:59

I'm new to the board, and I'm not sure if it's okay to mention another person's track in the "Tracks" forum, since it seems to be mainly for promoting your own track.

I played a great RPG track tonight that was uploaded to TM2X in November, and has gotten no awards and no comments. I was hoping I could get a little notice for it. :) I checked to see if it had already been mentioned, and I didn't see a thread for it...
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Postby XT3 » 11.12.2013, 05:05

Why not. I don't see a problem Hawk might be better to ask. But what track is?
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Postby pjw » 11.12.2013, 05:43

This is the track:

[RpG] [Mandala]

It's not created with the official RPG title pack--it's just a normal Stadium track with a custom skin mod, but it's still quite good, IMO. :)
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Postby HawkGer » 11.12.2013, 14:56

Yeah that's fine if you showcase other people's tracks in that section :)
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Postby pjw » 12.12.2013, 01:46

HawkGer wrote:Yeah that's fine if you showcase other people's tracks in that section :)

I posted the thread here. I looked for a list of forum rules and was unable to find one...please let me know if there's a limit on image sizes, and I'll change those if I need to. Also, I didn't see a way to make clickable thumbnail images. Is there a way to do that on this board?
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