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new blocks

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new blocks

Postby Ra1nOfDe4th » 02.06.2014, 09:46


i always asked myself why there arent any good curved pipe blocks, in this picture you see what i mean. the middle block is able to be made with rotating the pipe but the other 2 blocks aren't able to make with the current pipe's. i hope that those pipe shapes are able to be made.

Also i went to a wedding this weekend and saw some cool looking sign's.
mabye those models are able to be made so that we can put a picture in there( like with those blocks where you put a arrow or so)

Im sorry for my typo's. Im from the netherlands so english isnt my first language :wink:
Posts: 25
Joined: 17.03.2014, 13:14

Re: new blocks

Postby ZiZa » 02.06.2014, 15:03

Hey! Will forward this to our pipe-guy. About the signs - i do like the idea, but apperently this isnt doable(yet), we cannot create custom objects that can be skinned. Should Nadeo ever make this possible we will sure come up with something like you suggested.

greetings, ZiZa
Posts: 144
Joined: 08.10.2012, 19:46

Re: new blocks

Postby Ra1nOfDe4th » 13.06.2014, 11:52

if you click THIS in my first post you see 3 blocks on the left side, i hope those blocks are also being able to be made for the custom blocks. just like floor/wall blocks make them have a curve like the 3 on the left. the originals are to big for my track.

i hope it is understandible, im dutch so it isnt my main languauge xD
Posts: 25
Joined: 17.03.2014, 13:14

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