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RPG custom objects ideas thread

Requests and ideas for mods/objects/tracks/MT/screens etc.

Postby fish » 28.04.2013, 07:47

this morning i'm playing with your blocks in my editor and i have to say that you did one of the best work never did in tm hawk!!!
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Postby JumperJack » 28.04.2013, 07:49

very nice!

also, i wish i could help and build some stuff as well. i'd really like to, but i simply don't have the time (to play trackmania at all, really). hopefully in september i'll have some more free time to experiment! i'm following this thread closely, though. ;)

maybe it's an idea to get hold of some experienced 3d-modellers from carpark who would be interested creating blocks for rpg? or at least let them know that we're working on it here?
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Postby HawkGer » 28.04.2013, 19:16

That's a good idea JJ, I will talk this through with ZiZa. Expanding our team of object makers is definitely very important.

Wow, fish posting on this forum :D Thx man for the kind words, glad you are having fun building.

eie: yeah your ideas are definitely good and will be implemented. Maxi031 for example made some stairs yesterday, I made some rocks for my Cave collection...but some of those ideas can only be implemented with alpha channels. For example the carpet is just a flat plane with a texture applied to it that has an alpha channel. Same for the veins or plants/branches of trees.
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Postby silver » 03.05.2013, 19:26

It would be nice if you can include some more design things like:
Cactus,Trees,Palms are the only 3things - Would be nice to see such of this things :)

I would like to help but Im totally noskilled in 3ds max ! Im lovely mapper,etc. but don't have the skills for that programm :)!
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Postby HawkGer » 22.05.2013, 20:39

Just to give an update: We are still very busy with the Title pack even if by the looks of this thread it doesn't look like it ^^
Few days ago Nadeo released a new version of the NadeoImporter so that it is now possible to use the Stadium materials (they changed a whole lot of other stuff as well btw.)
We tested my idea of using a big texture file to make the objects moddable with transparency and it works perfectly (well except that we will only have partial alpha).
I will have to make the texture file now and update all the objects I already made. This will probably take a long time (I really have no idea how long, since it's completely new for me). Being stuck at this crappy Laptop for one more month without TM access doesn't make things easier either. So in case there is anyone out there who can and would like to help us out, that would be really appreciated.

Here is one screenshot of a few plants that Maxi made: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11796649/Screens/Untitled-2.jpg
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Postby silver » 27.05.2013, 09:47

I've allready learned how to make some Block but I have big Problem with the fact, that the Blocks can't be placed as usual Blocks into the air or something like that...
I hope they will fix that ! :)

Here are some Screenshoot's !


http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/screenshot02wmcyxq8shd.jpg ( I Changed the BlockTexture :D)

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Postby XT3 » 05.06.2013, 22:10

messing around with some but I know we can make them snap to the grid. So I think any RPG object should as its easyer that way.
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Postby 22vek » 03.07.2013, 19:21

Here is a clip of my 2 custom made blocks, which i have made earlyer before.

Just a example and maybe also an inspiration for others to continue the object making.

Tm2 Stadium: Big half custom loop - YouTube
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Re: RPG custom objects ideas thread

Postby mobgamegraph » 29.06.2016, 07:01

Try this out, maybe it can help you with. https://mobilegamegraphics.com it's valuable assets tools for game developers in one place.
Get high quality game sprites, mobile game graphics, pixel art, 8-bit, characters and themes for game development. We offer free game assets and sprite sheet.
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