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Event Idea?

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Event Idea?

Postby fuzzy94 » 14.10.2015, 23:38


I had an rpg event idea awhile ago and thought I should share it here. :)
It's like TMM-TTC where it's an untrained event, but there are several differences and tweaks.

Map Specifications/Rules/What makes this unique(?) :oops: :P
- No registration required
- 1 rpg map used per race
- Mapper can't participate in the race
- Diffilculty: easy
- Length: about 10min if driven without a mistake. So the whole race takes about an hour or less.
(this of course needs some testing to see how long the maps should be with descent run to estimate the event duration)
- Path: Up to mappers. Difficult path finding, easy path finding, or mix of two would all produce different kinds of races. Allow for "second chance": Build roads under certain paths where if players fall off, they can continue the race again. Please don't make the maps to be too troll-y
- No respawn, therefore disabled on server.
Because of this, you get a single try in the event. If you make 1 mistake and flip over or get stuck somewhere, you are out of the race. It also allows for a possibility of there being no winner, that is, nobody who finishes. which could be a funny result sometimes. If this does happen, then the placements can be decided based on number of cps reached.
- Timer will start once a player crosses finish line. Maybe 5~10 min timer.
- Checkpoints: Maximum of ~20 sec apart. At least ~30 checkpoints in the map. Place cps while keeping in mind that it can help to keep track of player's relative placement during the race. Also that it is helpful for commentators/spectators. Having no cps might also build up anxiety as players go farther and farther. I think it can sort of relieve them psychologically. Place cps very closely only if necessary. For ex) preventing cuts
- Finish: Single finish

- Maps must be built using default Stadium title.
As much as I would like this event to take place in tm2s rpg title pack, I thought that would be impractical due to amount of time and effort it would take to make such a long map with the custom blocks.
Plus, although it's not a difficult task installing rpg title pack, I think holding this event in rpg titlepack would limit significantly the number of participants.
Hopefully, it'll be ok for rpg players to go back to classic tm1 rpg map ;D

I thought making it an untrained+no respawn rpg race would be practical because
1. It definitely helps gathering a lot of players to participate because it requires less will and commitment to participate
2. RPG maps can take a lot of time to train
3. It makes the race more fair
4. Many players can already be busy enough with other competitions going on.
5. Makes it nail biting and thrilling for players and spectators because 1 mistake will be the end of it
6. Makes it fun to watch players getting "knocked out" as race continues.
7. There will be less and less players towards the end which also makes it fun I think.
8. etc...

The only difficulty is making and gathering the maps.
Of course building 10 min long rpg is very difficult even with easy paths.
There's no need to be stressed about decorating. Or working on the media tracker which I don't have final thoughts on. Maybe it'll be less controversial to prohibit it.
I think collaboration should definitely be allowed.

Of course all of the things said above can be adjusted except the untrained+no respawn aspect of the race.
Please feel free to reply for your input. Criticisms, suggestions, questions, anything you wanna take out or add, etc..

Also suggest a name for this event if you think of any :D

Thank you!

- Fuzzy
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