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Mod War Game

PostPosted: 22.04.2011, 22:12
Hi !
I present my new mod, based on a "nature paradise"
Mod War Game


Download here:

PostPosted: 22.04.2011, 22:19
by Tabasco
Present with help?

The MOD is finish or you need help?

PostPosted: 22.04.2011, 22:29
by popgun
When you download the mod, you must RESTART the game to have all the mod textures put in place :)

I got confused with this too when I did the Cardboard mod. ?(
Everything was correct I just hadn't restarted it.


PostPosted: 23.04.2011, 17:07
by dose
BTW, none of your links works ?!

you speak french ? ^^

Have you checked the link of the mod?
the best site for all my links is
I never lost connection or banded textures.
likely that your site have a very low bandwidth.
reason why the texture are not load fast enough.
-Is that all the names of files. rar well written?

as-tu verifi

PostPosted: 24.04.2011, 08:16
Ok thank you Dose, i test Dropbox.
and yes I speak French better than my google English ^^ lol
I go update my map "WarGame"
Thank's all

PostPosted: 24.04.2011, 11:03
Mod WarGame --> 12.4Mo

You can see a video of the mod on the forum in the section map, name: "War Game"

The theme of the mod is urban warfare, showing images of destruction.

PostPosted: 24.04.2011, 17:26
by dose
awesome mod buddy!!!

will try the track now, to see it in action!

Good work from what i can see here ;)

ok, let'S go try this ....

PostPosted: 26.04.2011, 21:21
by HawkGer
Glad one of my mods inspired you to make one your own :)
The download link seems dead...maybe you could upload the mod to a one-click-hoster and send the link. I would like to upload it to the vinummusik site. Or anyone who downloaded the mod before it went down could send it too...

PostPosted: 27.04.2011, 04:09
by dose
Here's my copy of his mod ^^

Download mod here

@Hawk : Did you see i have update my mod "Industrial zone" ?
look on thepost of the mod, I gave a new temporary link to the updated mod.

PostPosted: 27.04.2011, 13:15
by HawkGer
k thx, didn't see your repost. Uploaded both mods now :)

PostPosted: 27.04.2011, 14:31
by dose
shit, I hade the old version of his mod, he told me he want to add the NEW CircuitS and CircuitN in it!


Do you still want the 2 new texture i made for you in the mod ?
Or else it dosen'T have the 2 new textures.
( since i made the textures i was able to add it ;)
here's the mod with the 2 textures ADDED in the mod.
IF you are Ok with this PCC, let Hawk download it, but confirm to him ;)


PostPosted: 27.04.2011, 18:36
by HawkGer
I just uploaded it now, I'm sure it's fine with PCC :)

PostPosted: 27.04.2011, 20:15
First Post edit

@Dose yes the mod is update with your 2 files ;)
thank you

I am Ok for vinummusik, of course