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PostPosted: 06.04.2011, 16:26
by dose
Hi RPG fans
This week i've been working on this mod day and night to get the right color fx's on each blocks.
Finaly i create a colorfull but not so hard for the eyes like my other mod PSYchOCOLoRS.
Lines are the most textures but go on dirt and you'll find it magical ;)
as you can see in the pictures, the color change the more you get close to object (block) !

This ideal is a mix between the tron mod and my ideal of a disco club or dance floor kinda style !
Its a small pack (zip is only 5 mb) , so easy to load on servers.

download from vinummusik

Here'S some screenshot i took with my RPG rat race !



PostPosted: 06.04.2011, 16:47
by trunks_11
it looks more bemusing than your PSYchOCOLoRS- mod

PostPosted: 06.04.2011, 16:51
by Igntul
nice work once again, nice idea with the tron mod with mip maps :D

PostPosted: 06.04.2011, 19:24
by Promaxer
Mod machine activated once again!
Nice work dose, keep them coming.

PostPosted: 06.04.2011, 19:47
by HawkGer
8) Uploaded !

PostPosted: 06.04.2011, 20:53
by trunks_11
forgott to say, nice work Image

PostPosted: 07.04.2011, 00:16
by dose
thanks you all !!! I hop someone will use it , please send me link of track , if you use my mods in your rpg's !!

thx again Hawk!! link is now update to your page ;)

now a video from TIM (german761 (AE Timbo) replay with my RATRACE RPG.
Sorry but video is very dark due to bad encoding ;)
