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3024 (New Mod)

PostPosted: 27.12.2010, 20:22
by dose
Hi, during those last weeks i've been workin' on many Mods but most of all; VENICE mod and this one now called "3024".
Its base on the theme of the game "Mass effect 2" ;After i both the game and played a lot... I extract some of the textures to use it .I just then modify them and add some of my own creation textures too.

I made this mod to get an futuristic ambiance between "abandon dusty planet" and new "base spaceship".
In this mod, i have try to get the best atmosphere possible by changing the mood to a darker "spacy" environnement.
So its better to use as "night" mood or "sunset" to appreciate it all !

PS: tell me when you use my mods, i like to see them in action , thank you all !!!
HAVE A GREAT 2011 !!!! :bday:

download : DOWNLOAD PAGE

PostPosted: 28.12.2010, 00:16
by Mario
nice mod D@se, i like the screens, if i would build much maps i would use it :P

PostPosted: 28.12.2010, 09:06
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
Looks really very nice :thumbsup:

PostPosted: 28.12.2010, 12:52
by trunks_11
its very nice, but it seems to be buggy (the wall on the first picture)

PostPosted: 28.12.2010, 13:50
by dose
Thank you all!!!

@Trunk ; no ;) its not a bug, its a CP platform that we see the light thru the wall !

PostPosted: 28.12.2010, 18:44
by trunks_11

PostPosted: 29.12.2010, 02:28
by dose
Your right :dash: , i should saw that when creating it ;)

I change it with this new texture now (download link update) .


Thanks for notice it!!

Direct link to my mod page here

PostPosted: 29.12.2010, 13:39
by Promaxer
This mod is great for some futuristics and other spaces tracks, gratz! :beer:

PostPosted: 08.12.2011, 02:00
by Mario

i wanted to see how this mod looks on my actually Project, but it seems like it dont work :(

i used this link:

All loads in editor, press esc, and nothing happens :/

PostPosted: 08.12.2011, 03:10
by dose
Mario wrote:Hey,

i wanted to see how this mod looks on my actually Project, but it seems like it dont work :(

i used this link:

All loads in editor, press esc, and nothing happens :/

yeah, a lot of my mods on vinummusik won't work ;(

Can someone explain how all my mods (or most of them ) on vinummusik is dead zip files (corrupt) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and its not the firts time someone try my mods and its dead!!

please fix this - if ned ihave all mod in backup.

PostPosted: 08.12.2011, 03:32
by dose

PostPosted: 08.12.2011, 07:19
by Tabasco

PostPosted: 08.12.2011, 23:41
by dose
thx tabasco , that was fast!