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PostPosted: 10.09.2010, 15:27
by almostar
How to do a mod? What program do i need? Is it complicated? ^^ I think gonna do a new RPG later. :thumbsup:

PostPosted: 10.09.2010, 15:33
by trunks_11
If you want to make a mod, you can use painting programs (they should can coulor dds., because you need it). Good free program is, a good not for free program is photoshop, but if you don

PostPosted: 10.09.2010, 15:58
by Tabasco
Gimp is a free tool, you can use it.

dds is supported (with plugin?)

PostPosted: 10.09.2010, 16:03
by Promaxer
I recommend paint net for begginers then gimp ;), but watch this:
Trackmania RPG blog: How to make mods for your tracks

PostPosted: 10.09.2010, 16:08
by Tabasco
And new and the same: [Tutorial] How to make mods for your tracks