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Industrial city

PostPosted: 13.08.2012, 12:41
Hi here !

Track Info - TMX

Here's a new track, it is not complicated to play,
it is mainly a track where you follow the story
and let yourself rocked by the atmosphere...

Please play this track with sound (L)

Story: EN
Vlad is the industrial boss of the Mafia!
It exploits the people and buys all the shops.
A little air would be good!

Your mission is to kill Vlad!

- Takes a car in the old Toxic Factory
- Then get yourself a weapon.
- Then you will take the pass card
in the locker of a worker at the station.

- See you at the door of Conteners B
and take the package

- Retrieve a second in deposits
- Place a packet in Lab
- Post a packet to the gas factory
- Find Vlad in the casino and kill him.
- Take the helicopter and run away!

Story: FR
Vlad est le chef de la Mafia industriel !
Il exploite les habitants et rach

PostPosted: 13.08.2012, 19:46
by Suffer
good job, nice tracks