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An alien track

PostPosted: 16.05.2012, 21:18
by __Tornado__
A very easy, but I think funny track. You are in an alien planet and have to find the correct path. Can anyone tell me if you are seeing the Boo next of the start, i always have trouble with locators. Have fun, and see you soon. :popcorn: :shit:

The link is:

Track Info - TMX

Thanks to Trunks that force me to learn how to add a locator mod. Great

PostPosted: 16.05.2012, 21:50
by trunks_11
"Dont tell me about locators, never understand that" - is what you say on tmx.
To make a locator of a mod in trackmania, is the easiest way to get a locator... Delete the mod from your trackmania mod folder and then open the map while pressing ctrl, then you can add the mood and the mod with url, wait 1-20 mins and the mod will show up.

PostPosted: 16.05.2012, 21:57
by dose
wrong place to post.
it should be in"tracks"
please move it :)

PostPosted: 17.05.2012, 10:06
by Tabasco
DOSE wrote:wrong place to post.

And please some pics.....

Sorry friends :(

PostPosted: 17.05.2012, 14:11
by __Tornado__
Sorry friends, i only can say that I

PostPosted: 17.05.2012, 14:46
by trunks_11
just try what i said.. you will see..

PostPosted: 17.05.2012, 14:59
by __Tornado__
Now the mod have to work, thank you very much Trunks.

PostPosted: 17.05.2012, 16:56
by trunks_11
no problem