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[RPG] Strong Requirement

PostPosted: 02.03.2012, 19:29
by Fanatik-Dedmick
Hello everyone: I vien you presented my new track
which was intended to the 'cup taf contest'

No she did not been selected
and I propose to all of the tested
j spent 50 hours working on it then what hope'll like j
j tries to do better now to meet all my players rpg

I leave you to discover it ;)

For french friend :D

bonjour a tous : je vien vous present

PostPosted: 03.03.2012, 02:32
by dose
aide: ajoute le nom de ta track dans le titre de ton post
Tip: add the name of your track in the title of the post

[RPG] Strong Requirement

ca sera plus facile plus tard de le retrouver dans la page de rpg sur le forum
it will be easier to find it later in the rpg page.

EDIT : J'ai fais les changements, maintenant correct ^^
i did the changes post correct

des fois un image de la track aide aussi a attirer les racers :)

PostPosted: 03.03.2012, 16:22
by Fanatik-Dedmick
ty DOSE for you help

PostPosted: 03.03.2012, 16:56
by dose
very nice RPG.I dont play often but yours was easy for me and fun mix to go thru!