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Columnar run

PostPosted: 03.09.2011, 08:11
by Tabasco
For testing the editor in TM

PostPosted: 03.09.2011, 11:09
by -DasEimer-
Good job :)

PostPosted: 03.09.2011, 12:07
by Mario
Looks nice, but..where can we drive/download it?^^

PostPosted: 03.09.2011, 13:03
by Tabasco
Is in, sry.

I dont know why

PostPosted: 03.09.2011, 16:35
by Mario
ah now it is there, thx

PostPosted: 03.09.2011, 18:41
by Tabasco

PostPosted: 03.09.2011, 18:55
by dose
I have download it to have a try but I can play "individual" mode !??
I can only play online or edit a track .

Q:is it normal that i only have those 2 choices ?
Q:i dont even have the "update" option in tm2 launcher,do you have it ?


Does the game going to update by itself when beta is finish ?

PostPosted: 03.09.2011, 19:29
by Tabasco
only online or start a server game and choose map.

Update launcher is in directory.

I thing automatic.

PostPosted: 03.09.2011, 23:20
by Igntul
looks good, ill try it soon..
btw, on the 3rd screenshot there's the thrillerbarc picture :D

PostPosted: 04.09.2011, 15:32
by StinkFinger
Couldn't finish the last checkpoint. Assumed was on the platform below the blue arrow after the 3 turbo jumps, but nothing happened. :(

PostPosted: 04.09.2011, 15:46
by Tabasco
see PM

Jump in the gate and the map is finsih.

You must have 16 cps on the last checkpoint.