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Tortuga [RPG]

PostPosted: 27.06.2011, 17:40
by Igntul



Welcome to a very special RPG track..
this is the first Turtle RPG track ever.. yes, Turtle RPG! a whole RPG driven on your head
This is kind of a tutorial map, in fact i wanted to make an easy one for first.. It starts easy, so people who have troubles with it can get through and learn with the tips and helps made of MT, texts and GPS ghosts to show you exactly how to do it..
To make this I used a MT trick found by trunks_11, here's a tutorial on how to force the player to drive in turtle mode

History about turtle into RPG: First of all, GSNPaul introduced the turtle trick into RPG, in his track Krypton.. Then Igntul used it for the end of Detroit, adding a trick that made it harder. Nom

PostPosted: 27.06.2011, 17:50
make a duck rpg please, i am not a turtle :p

link of tuto is not good
[Tutorial] MediaTracker Turtle trick

I test in beta and you make a great work GG, i go test the new version :p thank's for gps :)