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"Seablue" [Coast] by fabio_m

PostPosted: 27.02.2011, 18:33
by Nyrbius
fabio_m goes RPG :)

Seablue (RPG)

download it at
Track Info - TMX

small intro

Seablue RPG ( - 360p SD - 480p HQ - 720p HD - 1080p HD - )

Some images

Mission Info


This is what the track is all about - from here select where you want to go

there's 4 areas to explore


these are the 4 areas to explore





Good Map!

PostPosted: 25.03.2011, 22:44
by Lineaddict
Some cool Ideas, including the overhead drivable map. That was pretty awesome. Also nice media tracker effects. You could try to make it more challenging though, to give it more of an RPG feel. Great Job! :thumbsup:

PostPosted: 25.03.2011, 23:21
by Promaxer
only saw the intro, but awesome, i hope occam puts a replay of it on utube so i can see the full track :/