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New rpg track: V 2

PostPosted: 18.01.2011, 14:58
by Guest
hello all im new
[size=10]I made RPG track [/size] i need opinion about my track
track name V 2
id track 3644483
link tmx Track Info - TMX

let's download and play





here you are

PostPosted: 18.01.2011, 18:01
by Igntul
pictures, pictures, pictureeeeeeeeeeees
please add them in your post ;)

other than that, good map for your first

PostPosted: 19.01.2011, 23:24
by dose
OOooo!! I have to try this;)

look at my page (the first one on top ), you'll understand why i said that ;)

PostPosted: 20.01.2011, 16:49
by trunks_11
I played top secret, and yours looks like a copy :D

PostPosted: 21.01.2011, 22:26
by dose
copy ?? Not at all...
watch the date, ive made it a long time ago, and its far from a copy.

Your just jealous ;)


PostPosted: 24.01.2011, 14:59
by Guest
d@se i dont played your map early and i dont never saw, now i know your map and it seems to me that your tank i better:P