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[RPG] Baphomets Fluch

PostPosted: 13.12.2010, 18:52
by Mario

I want Present A new RPG Called "[RPG] Baphomets Fluch" from Puncho and me!


PostPosted: 13.12.2010, 19:55
by trunks_11
What you can do better is, a better story :D sry, i have enough from this story, maybe i will like the map when i have played it :P

Sag mal, ist das ein deutscher map name? m

PostPosted: 18.12.2010, 17:48
by Mario
Yeah i know the Story is old^^
But the name is from a Adventure Game called "Baphomets Fluch" (in german), its a great Adventure and u must escape the most time, so its just this booring story, sorry :P :D