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Rate the Kacklappen RPG Cup tracks!

PostPosted: 22.11.2010, 13:35
by trunks_11

PostPosted: 22.11.2010, 14:22
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
Very nice idea Trunks :thumbup:

PostPosted: 22.11.2010, 14:26
by trunks_11
Thank you :rofl:

PostPosted: 22.11.2010, 15:52
by nom²
very nice idea !
and you all know that apocalypse was the best one! f*ckin piece of art :vain:

PostPosted: 22.11.2010, 15:54
by trunks_11
I voted for triade, apo and atztec^^

btw. the thankomat is active.. :this:


PostPosted: 22.11.2010, 17:23
by satan6663331
sont simpas vos maps mais tr

PostPosted: 22.11.2010, 18:07
by trunks_11
oui, mais les maps de qualification ne sont pas tr

PostPosted: 22.11.2010, 21:02
by Igntul
I voted blackbeards and aztec, but i gotta say I am really unsure about what I liked best between triade and looney, so I voted only for 2 tracks :p
btw nice idea^^
btw2 glad to see my 2 tracks on 2nd and 3rd places :D :minigun: