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F.B.I. Special LockDown!

PostPosted: 27.10.2010, 11:28
by Housekeepr
Direct TMX Link: Track Info - TMX

Hi all

Welcome to my latest RPG Map. F.B.I. *Special* LockDown

This map is an sub-mission map to the map F.B.I. Dossier 8004: Cop Out.
There was an EasterEgg with an code, which provided this challenge.
The Challenge has been won by Igntul

And now open for public, for time hunting...


After the undercover mission "Cop Out" you came back to the FBI office... The F.B.I. was unhappy with your cover been blown.
And during the time you getting undercover, the department of Justice, thinks u have commited several actions, which even with
your cover weren't necessary. And illegal. which probably will get you jailtime...
Your Boss couldn't do anything against it, and have you brought to holding. You are in pre-arrest waiting for your trial to begin.
Now with all mixed feelings, u really wanna go rogue... So u think of an Escape plan.
U already have plans, a helicopter will pick u up, but u need to get outside on the Frontside of the FBI Building your being held in.
U are planning ur escape this night... Almost no one in the building... But escaping will mean alarm will be triggered and the building
will go in Lockdown! U have a limited timeframe to reach the Helicopter.

Good Luck...


Map Name: F.B.I. Special LockDown
MOD: FBI Escape Mod by D@se
Theme: RPG/Maze
MT Work: Yes
Coppers: 5292
Intro: :done: (All Credits go to D@se)
Outro: :done: (By D@se)
MT on Map: :done: By D@se
Music: Ambience FBI Escape Music
Screenshot: Will Come...

Author Time: 01.41.58
Gold Time: 01.48.00
Silver Time: 02.02.00
Bronze Time: 02.33.00

Total CP's: 0 ! You will have only a limited time frame to escape :)

Direct Downloadlinks for the Map


Like the map? :award: it !

Enjoy \o/


PostPosted: 28.10.2010, 14:08
by trunks_11
Maybe you should set that you have to use one cam, p.e. cam3... When not ppl can see the way with cam 7,8...

PostPosted: 28.10.2010, 16:30
by Housekeepr
Thanks for the tip!

I'll take it along on my next map ^^

PostPosted: 31.10.2010, 09:06
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
trunks_11 wrote:Maybe you should set that you have to use one cam, p.e. cam3... When not ppl can see the way with cam 7,8...

Thats not a good idea to force a player an a fixed cam permanent. Many won

PostPosted: 31.10.2010, 10:08
by trunks_11
I know that a lot ppl don

PostPosted: 09.11.2010, 18:35
by dose
[quote='-|MfG|-Big Al