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Going Postal [rpg]

PostPosted: 21.10.2010, 17:39
by popgun
Track Info - TMX

Guys, My latest RPG track is out.

Have fun.







PostPosted: 21.10.2010, 20:40
by Shortz
looks awesume, will test tomorrow ;)

PostPosted: 22.10.2010, 08:09
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
Added on Kacklappen RPG XXL :thumbup:

PostPosted: 22.10.2010, 22:18
by Shortz
wow great map so fa. Was on cp 82 then got disconnected :( but for me a rly nice map :)

PostPosted: 23.10.2010, 08:09
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
Very nice track, i already awardet it on tmx.
But the 5 rings at the maze could have a hint, because I drove straight to the exit ;(

PostPosted: 23.10.2010, 08:29
by popgun
The entrance to that part has a big sign showing 5 rings and the number 5, and the exit sign says EXIT and shows 5 rings and a question mark to remind you what you should have found.

Not sure what else I could put to help without pointing them out.

But, thanks for the feedback

PostPosted: 23.10.2010, 08:43
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
Lol okay, I think I was too fast to see the sign :D

PostPosted: 23.10.2010, 15:13
by trunks_11
I didn