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Dark Dreams -Part 5

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Dark Dreams -Part 5

Postby Birdy81 » 24.04.2017, 10:09

For those who have played and enjoyed the Dark Dreams maps from Red Virus and myself, i can proudly say part 5 is nearing completion.

Now i'm not going to give any spoilers of what to expect but what i can say both Red Virus and myself have gone all out on this one. We are hoping within the next few weeks it will be finished as it is jam packed full of MT and getting very close to the 2mb track limits. For those that have been following the story line we created within the previous maps we reveal the truth behind the Dark Dreams. This series was only ever meant to be just a single map but it hasn't turned out like that.

We hope that this map is the best of them all and it's at almost 4 months worth of work from track design and track construction to the countless downloads of the MT contents . We have had our hiccups within the build and have overcome various issues to where it is now. So Track-Mania RPG players get ready for the finale of Dark Dreams 5 , and thank-you for playing our maps within the series.

*** with this map WE RECOMMEND TO PLAY WITH THE SOUND UP AND THE LIGHTS TURNED OFF for the full experience.

Cheers Birdy81
Posts: 8
Joined: 14.09.2014, 11:04

Re: Dark Dreams -Part 5

Postby Birdy81 » 10.05.2017, 03:12

Well the track is now complete and we have started our private beta test. With the new maniaplanet 4 being released we are going to hold off on the release till it gets sorted out. hopefully the team reponsiable can get the issues sorted out asap so red and i can give you our map.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused but it will be out for public view soon
Posts: 8
Joined: 14.09.2014, 11:04

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