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Aftermath Facility "Reborn"

PostPosted: 08.11.2013, 18:54
by XCaliber
Hi Rpg lovers,

I have an Rpg for you. Unlike most rpg's its focus is on the Race to complete.

You must have the Canyon Environment to play it.

I used the GrandeMuraille_Canyon Mod for looks. (download link for mod is on the map page)

I also have some nice Techno music to listen to while you ride.

Aftermath Facility "Reborn"

Aftermath Facility "Reborn" Screenshot

Good Luck!

PostPosted: 08.11.2013, 20:01
by Tabasco
Some things you should include in your track presentations:

* Most important: PICS; they tell more than a thousand words...
* A link to TMX
* General description: difficulty level, path finding, mod, length, coppers etc.
* Some individual author comment...
* Other kinds were delete......sry

PostPosted: 08.11.2013, 20:26
by XCaliber
I will get some pics, but everything else is on the map page.

PostPosted: 09.11.2013, 19:05
by Tabasco
yes, but we are on RPG not other siede.

Please edit 1st post...