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[RPG] Gulag I-984

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[RPG] Gulag I-984

Postby popgun » 14.03.2012, 19:22

You are a political prisoner sent to the Gulag for crimes against the state. You can suffer a life sentence, or, you can escape..

I have spent an enormous amount of time on the soundtrack to this, so ( even if you don't normally play with sounds on) turn sounds on and turn music up loud. There is a big sound effects track running in the background and it REALLY adds to the atmosphere so try it. :)

There's also a new 'grime' mod which give a dark, dirty, grubby feel to the track.

And for spectators online I've added replay cams throughout

And, this is a bit harder than my usual tracks so have fun. :P

TMX - Track Link

Here's some pics:






Have fun.
Loads of mods, loads of tracks. Look em up. :)
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Postby HawkGer » 14.03.2012, 20:14

Hell yeah! I'm psyched to play that. Added to Pixel and ready to play in a few minutes. Anyone like to join me? Kinda empty over here....
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Postby XT3 » 15.03.2012, 16:16

Wow if i had real skill for RPG tracks in driving them other then building id go nut to play it! though most likely i will try it.
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