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Jurassic Park Map

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Jurassic Park Map

Postby Guest » 07.05.2011, 16:51


Track Info - TMX

it's a quite old map i've with the help of a friend for the MT

infos :

mod : jurassic park by HawkGer
difficulty : somewhere between "intermediate" and "expert" (closer to intermediate :pleasantry:
coppers : 13988
AT : really bad because of my f**king lagging pc ! :dash:
story :
you're back on the jurassic park island after a long long while, there's no more dinosaur's because they've eaten each other or died because of hunger...
but the structure you're visiting is really unstable and started to collapse while you're in !
try to join the dirigible to ecape !

pics :

have fun :gamer:

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