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San Francisco

PostPosted: 30.05.2012, 13:41
by Shortz
Well my first duo map with nom ._. , building on this map since 1 year now. ^^ Well here I want to show you some footage from this map, for all of you which didn

PostPosted: 30.05.2012, 22:45
That looks quite impressive 0_0
I'm looking forward for its release ;)

PostPosted: 31.05.2012, 07:45
by nom²
yea.. don't mention me at any point ._.

PostPosted: 31.05.2012, 18:35
by XT3
I wish i could create something like this. though i work best creating tight rpg maps the smaller the size to work in the better and more creative i tend to be. BUT dang i cannot wait to try it. Great job to both you Nom and Shorty!!