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Abou Simbel 3

PostPosted: 01.05.2012, 12:59
by Boubisis

I'm Boubisis and i decided to build Abou Simbel 3. But i stopped Trackmania since 2 years so i'm searching feedbacks about my others rpg maps. Maybe you know them :
- Abou Simbel
- Abou Simbel 2

I want to know the best parts, the tricks that you like or don't like ... etc etc. I already find interesting 'new' tricks (probably but i don't play many others rpg ...) but i really need your help to build my last and best rpg.

Thanks a lot,


PostPosted: 01.05.2012, 13:11
by trunks_11
I like the lenght.. and the different difficulties.

PostPosted: 01.05.2012, 13:27
by Boubisis
Sorry but i won't publish pictures of this new rpg .... surprise! ^^

I just need feedback of my old maps. ;)

PostPosted: 01.05.2012, 14:28
by Mario
@ Tabasco: have u read his post? :D why should he upload pics?^^

@Boubis: i

PostPosted: 01.05.2012, 14:48
by Tabasco
omg, no

Sry guys.......


PostPosted: 01.05.2012, 23:03
by Boubisis
Np Tabasco and thanks a lot Mario! I hope for many feedbacks to build the 'perfect' abou simbel :p

PostPosted: 01.05.2012, 23:30
by Clith
gonna make CP 11 hellish again? :P

I like the Abou Simbel maps overall. Things I don't like is the ring spam there is in places on both maps and on Abou 2 the buggy edge ride on cp 90.

PostPosted: 04.05.2012, 00:17
by Hokiebird
Agreed with Clith. I like everything about Abou 1, except possibly that there are so many cuts, and even that doesn't make the track any worse. The ONLY thing I dislike about Abou 2 is the ledge at cp 90. Please, for the love of Trackmania, don't do that again.

PostPosted: 05.05.2012, 11:22
by Boubisis
Hum ... i don't see this cp. Do you have a screen about it ?

PostPosted: 06.05.2012, 09:31
by Clith

The buggy part is when you try to get off the ledge and through the small gap. I think its caused by having the other edge placed alongside the block you need to drive on to

PostPosted: 09.05.2012, 01:31
by Hokiebird
Brainmaster found a solution that works nearly every time, but it's still annoying since you can still fail at the actual hard part of the cp.[video][/video]