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Forced stories or not?

PostPosted: 05.05.2011, 22:40
by popgun
RPG drivers!
(Within MY idea of what makes an RPG track....)

I've been (sort of) adding more and more MT to introduce stories into my RPG tracks, with twists and turns here and there to make it interesting (Culminating in 'The Labarum').

Now, am I wasting my time? Is a good storyline not required?

In 'The Labarum' you HAD to do certain things to progress! In my next RPG I have a number of choices. I've already hidden 4 things, can build a story around them easily, can hide a really 'hard to find item', and/or, like The Labarun, can tell a tale to enjoy. Who prefers what?

Come on, give us builders a better chance of producing what you want!
Poke the poll!

Track is done, Mod is done, Story is on hold.. pop is waiting for feedback... :gamer:


PostPosted: 05.05.2011, 22:56
by ...BOOBY...
Nice of you to take your time to bring it up. :) I have voted :)

PostPosted: 05.05.2011, 23:27
by Housekeepr
Voted ^^

PostPosted: 05.05.2011, 23:46
by dose
Don't mind about how to do next project with fish as you all know is DRIV3R Rpg.
Just to tell you that in that rpg, we will use more than 20 littles stories and/or .I think this will not be a chrono base rpg, but more as an long story, read like the same time you will learn along the way to the end, so it get's harder and harder ;)

so Please make story's in rpg..MT for sure!!everyone like to take time to read and watch a Good MT work.they just do a fast normal run, when they saw everything..

Good luck with your project!

PostPosted: 06.05.2011, 05:48
by Igntul
please, please, please, if you make an MT force add a ring!
online you can "cheat" by speccing yourself from another PC or another TM istance, and a few WR's are made with that.. like Connector, the record now is 1,5 minutes faster than the "possible" time because he went through black screens and drove normally like if there was no MT..
so add rings where you want things to find, and black screen if you didn't get it yet.. although i hate to see black screens while i'm driving my normal relaxing way..
maybe make the black screen just in front of the CP so you don't get black after you succeed a trick trying it for 10 mins and then find out you forgot a fking piece of gold :huh:

PostPosted: 06.05.2011, 16:04
by eie
Quick reply: Just don't make me watch the same MT every time I respawn

PostPosted: 09.05.2011, 13:18
by trunks_11