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Rpg Industrial Zone

PostPosted: 22.04.2011, 19:12
by dose
As you could see in the main page of this forum today that i've release a new mod named "INDUSTRIAL ZONE"
So, everytime i do a mod i always build a small rpg and scenery, to really capture the theme of the mod.
this is just helping me to see the texture around a rpg that you would create.

So today I would like someone who could be interrest in continuing my "OPEN FEILD" rpg (no wall around tricks-as my RATRACE rpg)
it already as 4 of 5 tricks and could be easely continued.

here's a screenshot, so if you think you have time to build in this kind of style....Sign in here !
Maybe we could even do a duo,trio,quattro...association track ;)


PostPosted: 24.04.2011, 14:39
Salut Dose
Sympa ton mod,

PostPosted: 24.04.2011, 17:15
by dose
No, problem :)
The file that change the big panel is "" from the path:
"C:\Program Files\TmUnitedForever\GameData\Interface\Advertising

In this folder you'll also found all the other signs around the stadium ;)
The only problem is , this is not part of the mod and only you will see the changes.

pas de probl

PostPosted: 24.04.2011, 23:08

PostPosted: 25.04.2011, 13:01
Ce que j'aime beaucoup c'est l'effet orange la nuit, mais je ne sais pas du tout comment tu as fait ?!?

PostPosted: 25.04.2011, 13:35
by dose
Q: Ce que j'aime beaucoup c'est l'effet orange la nuit, mais je ne sais pas du tout comment tu as fait ?!?
english: What I like alot is the orange fx at night,but i don't know how you do it ?!?

Ok, those one can be place in the mod ;)

You got many files that you can play with the colors of the night mood.

-StadiumControlL = for the control lighting
-StadiumFabricL = for the ROAD lighting (the one i have change from blue to orange, just by changing the Hue/saturation OF THE BLUE PART ONLY)
-StadiumGrassL = ofc for the grass ;)
-StadiumRoadL = for the ROAD too + more parts
-StadiumWarpL = some color from the Big stadium domes and stadium outsides
-StadiumWarpL2 = some color from the other parts and stadium outsides
-StadiumWarpL3 = mixed colors + some fx grass colors
Ok, ceux-la peuvent etre ajout

PostPosted: 26.04.2011, 16:05
OK :thumbsup:
thank you ! I go test now ! :gamer: :gamer: :gamer: haha