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Planet builders I need YOU ! Solved

PostPosted: 09.11.2010, 07:40
by dose
As you see I was Vvvvverrrry busy :pinch: working on two big projet, but tonight im back with my own little secret projet i was working on a while ;)
Its about building scenery for you guy's, making MT work...I love it .So even if you don't need it I have to put all my ideals in this game...i can't stop!!
So as my old TOP SECRET rpg scenery (the tank) , this time ive made an alien spaceship attack !!
I have put all my knowlegg in this one (not quite right, i kept some secret for DRIVER rpg...i did'nt forget you Fish !)

so have fun while watching and i hope someone need it !!!

Thanks for your time, me going to bed. eyes are burning !!! goodnight !

My Mods page at TMX.COM
The video
*****this project scenery is now choose by IGNTUL who will build is next RPG ! :thumbsup:

the mod "SPACE BASE" 8)

PostPosted: 09.11.2010, 09:01
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
Nice video, nice mod :thumbup:

PostPosted: 09.11.2010, 09:42
by Igntul
Very nice stuff!!
I would like to work with you, you have a pm ;)

PostPosted: 09.11.2010, 12:07
by Mario
nice mt and nice mod!

PostPosted: 09.11.2010, 13:10
by dose
the challenge goes to....Igntul !!!

I saw your PM ;)

thanks for your comments guy's !!