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[Beta] Building inspection

PostPosted: 26.09.2010, 21:11
by tossha
Hello everyone, i want to present my track called Building inspection.
There is beta version now, so i want you to test it before the release.

It's something special because it has 109 cps (my time is 99mins), more than 7k blocks and there is no blockmixing at all!

Mod is Construction by Hawk.

TMX page: 3219617

It is also available on RPG Pub #2 server.

Have fun!

PostPosted: 26.09.2010, 21:22
by HawkGer
Woot looks amazing. Wish I had time to test the track. And no blockmixing, I think noone would have expected that 8o

PostPosted: 26.09.2010, 22:01
by Shortz
looks awesum, I

PostPosted: 27.09.2010, 05:51
by Igntul
i can confirm it IS awesome!
well until cp47\48\49 where i stopped ^^
but i had very much fun and i want to complete it asap!

PostPosted: 27.09.2010, 18:05
by trunks_11
I stoped (don

PostPosted: 27.09.2010, 18:59
by tossha
thanks guys

PostPosted: 01.10.2010, 10:34
by tossha
I've updated the track today, cuts fixed and the way is more clear now.

Try it

PostPosted: 01.10.2010, 22:56
by occam

PostPosted: 10.10.2010, 03:49
by tossha
One more update, i hope it's last beta. I've added maaaaanyy funny things and places to explore.

And now there is even a small competition inside the track (: Just drive into the building on the left from the start.

Best pathfinder and explorer wins!