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Community Project - cpLess

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Community Project - cpLess

Postby ben3847 » 15.04.2014, 18:52

Greetings everyone! I'd like to present you a new style of RPG hunting: cpLess!

WTF is cpLess?
cpLess stands for checkpointless, which is driving from the start to the finish line without crossing any checkpoints.

Why would I care?
Have you ever been tired of hunting a RPG because you fail at the same CP over and over again?
Take a break and free your mind with some nice path finding of a cpLess way! :D

checkpoint-less? More like check-pointless!
If you consider this pointless, you might just forget about it and move on. :roll:

Ok, I've finished a map cpLess, what now?
You have found a nice cpLess path on a RPG TitlePack map?
You can get your replay shared on the cpLess youtube channel!

Wait.. There is a youtube channel for this?
Yes, we try to upload one video each day!
By today we've uploaded 20 video for 20 days straight!
Take a look at two of them:

Are there any exceptions?
Yes, actually there is a set of things we don't consider interesting:
  • Fails. It's just not entertaining watching them. :?
  • Too easy replay. Such as Nos Astra, we consider Wounder as the bottom limit.
  • Too short replay. Minimal length should be around 20 seconds (except it is really hard)
  • Too short map. Minimal length of the map should be around 1 minute. (except cpLess is hard)
  • Normal path. Driving the normal path but just driving around all cps is the same as the normal path.
  • Lonely finish. If there is a finish block somewhere in the map because the author forgot it there.
  • Bad map. You can imagine what is meant here.. (Yes, we consider manu_19's maps as good. :) )

How can I get my replay shared?
I haven't set up an email address yet, because this community project in still the early stages of development.
So as long as their is no email address, please upload you replay on some file sharing site and send me a pm. :)
(e.g. https://www.dropbox.com or http://www.file-upload.net)

Only RPG TitlePack maps?
We prefer them because the new objects allow more interesting atmospheres.
Yet we also need backup if we run out of TitlePack replays,
so if you have a nice cpLess path on a TM1 map that's also ok. :P

As said this community project is still the early stages of development,
but the more players participate, the more it will grown! :)
I hope this project will be entertaining connect the RPG community even more.
It's something new and everyone is welcome, so why not give it a chance? :D

Happy hunting and have a nice day,
Ben :wink:
Posts: 4
Joined: 15.04.2014, 17:01

Re: Community Project - cpLess

Postby gugaruz » 15.04.2014, 22:53

i heard about this idea, but i didn't know that's a project
It's a nice project so far :)

first: I think one map each day is very much. If you calculate it after an half year, then it will be hard to find a good map for this project. My suggestion is you upload one or two replays per week

second, but not really important: this thread could be a bit compared with this one: GPS/Videos of the Titlepack
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Re: Community Project - cpLess

Postby ben3847 » 16.04.2014, 06:05

First: Indeed, at some point we will run out of maps, we might set the schedule to Saturday and Sunday then. :)

Second: In name yes, overall no. :wink: When Rapo and I started cpLess path finding,
we did it just for fun because the other players on the server didn't want to skip since they wanted to hunt the map.
And that's what I think should be the main part of this, having fun while path finding. :D
The youtube channel is just there to entertain others with the already found paths. :P
Posts: 4
Joined: 15.04.2014, 17:01

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