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[RPG] Mayan Temple Trekking (beta track)

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[RPG] Mayan Temple Trekking (beta track)

Postby Guest » 15.06.2010, 15:30


I started on this track soooo long ago, but never bothered to finish it. not until recently i decided to put a start to it and some scenery and found it ok. now i just want to someone to beta-test it, so if you guys want to, please go ahead! any ideas and is apprieciated, and also if you find cuts and etc. If someone that is good or ok in MT and want to add some story, intro, some normal MT, go ahead, but please tell me about it.

the track isn't that long, prob. 8-10 min, mayber less or more. some hard CPs, but the way isn't too hard to find.


MOD: Nature's Paradise mod: http://www.vinummusik.de/Trackmania/Nature%27s%20Paradise.zip

Postby Promaxer » 08.07.2010, 14:27

This is funny my track for the RPG Building Contest 2 that i put on tmx 2 weeks ago it's called Mayan Temple. :D
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Postby Tiji78 » 08.07.2010, 14:49

Just like the 2 previous beta tracks presented, I'll test it and tell you what I think of it :P
-- 8o -- Tiji -- 8o --

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