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RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 04.06.2017, 18:01

Thanks to MCYC for the video!

Hello! The 4th edition of the RPG Spain Spring cup will start, so here is all the information and rules you need to know for this competition:

- You only need to register if you want to participate in the duo special event. For everything else, just join the server and start playing!
- Deadline to register your team: 22nd June 00:00H
- To register on the duo special event, send me a private message (RPG Forum, TMX, discord, in-game...) filling what I wrote under:

    *Player 1: Login / Nickname
    *Player 2: Login / Nickname
- Keep the teams private.

PSA: This tournament is NOT a DUO competition, it's a SOLO competition where one of the special events consists of DUO-teams.

Past TOP3:

2013: Kilburn, Reahx, Mario
2014: Clem, HylleZ, Drunk
2015: Clem, Drunk, Monsi

- Server Name: RPG SPAIN SPRING CUP 2017
- Add favourite link: tmtp://#addfavourite=rpgspaincup2017
- Direct Join link: tmtp://#join=rpgspaincup2017
- Tracks from: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Trackbuilding Contest

Qualification System:

Just local records count.
- 6 new hunting maps: The best non-qualified time on every map will be qualified for the 2nd round.
- 1 new unlimiter-only map: The two fastest unqualified times will be qualified for the 2nd round.
- 4 special events with the option to qualify there:

Pathfinding event: Three players will qualify here. The first two spots will go to the first and second finisher of the map, and the third spot will go to the fastest non-qualified time in the map. For the first run competition, players can get help from everybody except the author(s) of the map and beta-testers.

KO event: Players will drive in Knock-Out mode, with previous training of the map that will be played here. The fastest time on the map will qualify (could be driven in Time Attack or even in the KO Phase), and the KO winner will qualify too (If the winner is already qualified, the best non-qualified driver will qualify).
KO mode is played in ROUNDS where on every round, the slowest times of the round are kicked (Depending on the number of players, there will be more or less kicks per round, which will be announced just before the beginning of every round).

Duo event: Teams will consist of two players where they will need the partner to get the fastest time combined. The 2 teams with the lowest time combined (Player A + Player B times) will qualify for the 2nd round. One player can only be in 1 team. Both members of the team have to finish the map at least once. If one player of any of the two fastest teams was already qualified, his teammate + fastest time on the map will qualify.

Laps event: Players will compete for 3 qualify spots here. First one will go to the fastest non-qualified time (Local Records), that could be driven either in Time Attack, or Laps mode. The other 2 spots, will go to the Top2 finishers in laps mode.

- Every mappack has 3 maps.
- Fastest time on the pathfinder map will go to group A. Fastest times on the the 1st Hunting Mappack will go to Group B, C and D, following the map order. The rest of the qualified players will be randomly placed in any of the 4 groups, including the first two finishers on the pathfinder event.
- 20 players will qualify for the 2nd round.
- Builders can't qualify on their own map.
- An already qualified player, won't count on the next qualification maps, but he can still play for the special events prizes.
- Some maps will get an special points reward for the finals (Only applicable if you reach the finals):

    1st finisher of pathfinding: 5 points
    Duo team winner: 3 points per player
    Winner of KO event: 3 points
    Fastest time on Unlimiter map: 3 points
    Winner of Laps race: 4 points

2nd Round:
- 4 groups of 5 players each.
- Fastest time on the pathfinder map will go to group A. Fastest times on the the 1st Hunting Mappack will go to Group B, C and D, following the map order. The rest of the qualified players will be randomly placed in any of the 4 groups, including the first two finishers on the pathfinder event.
- Top2 of every group will advance to the finals.
- The two best 3rd place drivers will go to the final too.
- If there's an equal result between players of the same group, the driver with the best rank out of the 3 maps will be ahead. If it keeps being equal, the driver with the best local record on any of the 3 maps will be ahead.
- Gamemode: Time Attack.
- Point system: 15, 11, 8, 5, 3.
- Not qualified drivers and drivers from different groups won't be counting towards your personal group. Points will be given separately on every map, being 45 points the maximum points a player can have.

- 1 group with 10 drivers.
- Gamemodes: Time Attack & Rounds.
- Cuts & altways allowed in TA Phase, only cuts allowed in Rounds.
- Non-qualified drivers can drive on the server, but they won't count. If a non-qualified driver gets a Local 1, the best time from the finalists will get 30 points anyways.
- If there's an equal result between any finalists, the driver with the best rank out of 3 maps will be ahead. If it keeps being equal, the driver with the best local record on any of the 3 maps will be ahead.
- Points system (TA): 30, 25, 20, 16, 13, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
- Points system (Rounds): 20, 15, 11, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
- The winner of the tournament will be the driver with most points combining Time Attack and Rounds, being 210 points the max. a player can have (excluding special points rewards).
- There will be 2 rounds per map.
- If you drive a PB in Rounds mode, the time will count.

There will be 17 maps available to drive.
Your best 14 results will count for the Toprank.

Another rules:
- Cuts related to MT (blind driving, self-speccing...) are not allowed.
- Cheating is NOT allowed, for anything.
- If you are the WR in any of the cup tracks, upload your replay to TMX.
- You must upload your replay on the map you qualified on TMX.
- Qualified players will put Q in their nickname (optional).
- Builders can't qualify on their own map.

- CEST Timezone.

Pathfinding Event [16.06 17:30H - 18.06 19H]
Hunting Mappack 1 [18.06 19H - 21.06 19H] -> Each map will have 5 sessions of 4h48 each.
Duo Event [21.06 19H - 23.06 18H]
KO Event [23.06 18H - 25.06 17H]
- KO Race [25.06 19:30H]
Hunting Mappack 2 [25.06 22H - 28.06 20H] -> Each map will have 5 sessions of 4h40 each.
Unlimiter Map [28.06 20H - 01.07 00H]
Laps Event [01.07 00H - 02.07 17H]
- Laps Race [02.07 17H]
2nd Round Mappack [02.07 18H - 09.07 18H] -> Each map will have 10 sessions of 5h36 each.
Final Mappack [09.07 18H - 16.07 18H] -> Each map will have 10 sessions of 5h36 each.
- Rounds [16.07 18H]


Winner: 100.000 CC + Gold Tag
Second: 50.000 CC + Gold Tag
Third: 25.000 CC + Gold Tag

Rank 4: 10.000 CC + Silver Tag
Rank 5: 5.000 CC + Silver Tag
Rank 6: 2.500 CC + Silver Tag
Rank 7: 1.000 CC + Silver Tag
Rank 8: Bronze Tag
Rank 9: Bronze Tag
Rank 10: Bronze Tag

Special prizes:

1st finisher at Pathfinding Map: 20.000 CC hosted by Thom.
Duo winner: Gold Tag & Gold Tag
KO winner: 10.000 CC
Fastest time on Unlimiter map: 10.000 CC
Laps Race winner: 10.000 CC

Rank: Top5 will be rewarded.

Rank 1: 50.000 CC + Gold Tag
Rank 2: 25.000 CC + Silver Tag
Rank 3: 10.000 CC + Silver Tag
Rank 4: 5.000 CC + Bronze Tag
Rank 5: 2.500 CC + Bronze Tag

And if you want to help towards the prizepool, you can donate to make the prizes even better!
- Via online cup server.
- By sending an in-game message to "eliasdarka95".

More info about the cup can be found by clicking here!
Last edited by Xerox on 10.07.2017, 12:06, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 04.06.2017, 21:25

Top donators:

Trunks: 50000 cc
Dawe: 45000 cc
Kanekii: 35000 cc
Maca: 30000 cc
Levon: 30000 cc
Eagle: 30000 cc
Monsi: 25552 cc
Malun: 25052 cc
Unknown: 25000 cc
Rastaman: 20000 cc
Rider: 17000 cc
Tyrgrim: 9000 cc
Kings: 9000 cc
Berkin: 7250 cc
Sokko: 5000 cc
Poly: 5000 cc
Sog: 3500 cc
Niro: 3000 cc
Theo: 2500 cc
Skyslide: 780 cc

Only the donations sent to my account are noted here, if you have donated in the server, the list can be checked by typing /topdons. At the end of the cup, that list will be added here. Thanks everyone!
Last edited by Xerox on 25.06.2017, 21:14, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby fleshback » 05.06.2017, 17:58

fancy trailer :D
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Maca » 06.06.2017, 08:12

All the events starts at 4pm or 5pm?
All of us, who are working (I guess not I'm, the only one that old :D ) won't be available at these times. 7pm/8pm would be much better on weekdays imo...or put the events to weekends, like the Laps Race.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 07.06.2017, 10:59

Duo event and KO event have been changed order in the schedule. Now Duo event will be from Wednesday to Friday, and KO from friday to sunday.

About the start of special events, such as laps or KO, it's not 100% definitive that it will be at 17h, might be possible to move it to 18h, or even 19h, depending on how available players are.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 17.06.2017, 19:37

First mappack video has been released!
Featuring the 1st Hunting Mappack, Duo Map and KO Map!

Mappack video created by Shortz.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 18.06.2017, 17:46


Revelation by Thom & Firebiker

Qualified drivers: Levon (1st Finisher), Dawe (2nd Finisher), Jerem (Fastest Time).
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 21.06.2017, 17:06


Painful Memories by Xerox
Qualified driver: Wirtual

Quintain by JurajojoImage
Qualified driver: Matt

Cihuatán by Techno
Qualified driver: Berkin
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 23.06.2017, 16:10


Cold War II by Fleshback

Duo results
24 teams registered.

WINNER Wirtual (nivyo) & Clem (clem193)

Second Matt (lococolorado) & Disgo (kloscheisser)

Third Nixion (nixion4) & Kitty (supertaro2)

4th Agent (werarjou) & Chaoshand (hammerstyle)

5th Berkin (berk1n) & Jerem (jeremy_88)

Qualified players: Clem (2guys1cup), Disgo (Team Sexpert), Agent & Chaoshand (Ballsack).

**Nixion has a wildcard for 2nd Round, if any of the currently qualified players is unable to participate in the 2nd round.**
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 24.06.2017, 08:59

Little change in the rules for the KO and Laps maps: Cuts and altways are not allowed in those maps. If you don't know whether you are driving the original route or not, feel free to ask me. Drivers using cuts will have their times DSQ, and won't count, so make sure not to use it/them.

After the Time Attack phase ends, the qualified driver must upload his replay to make sure the player didn't use any sort of cut or alternative way.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 25.06.2017, 19:34


Xtroys by unKnown

KO Results

Winner Wirtual
2nd Berkin
3rd Wojoradi
4th Mario
5th Chaoshand

Qualified drivers: Wojoradi (Best KO Race placement), Ariana G (Fastest Time).
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 25.06.2017, 19:47

2nd Hunting Mappack is out! Check out the last 5 Qualifier Maps, including the Unlimiter and Laps map!

Mappack video created by Shortz.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 28.06.2017, 18:12


32 weeks later by RPG Community
Qualified driver: Sog

Hashima by BlastImage
Qualified driver: Marius89

Babylon's Garden by Pierrepok
Qualified driver: Unnamed
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 28.06.2017, 18:14

To play the Unlimiter Map, you must have 1.2 version installed. If you don't have it, follow these links:
Unlimiter 1.2 for Nations players: http://www.kemot0055.boo.pl/tm/unlimite ... ATIONS.exe
Unlimier 1.2 for United players: http://www.kemot0055.boo.pl/tm/unlimite ... UNITED.exe

If you have any problems with the installation, make sure to talk to me and we will sort it out.
After you have Unlimiter 1.2 successfully installed, download Yggdrasil Mediapack, which includes everything the map uses: http://www.sendspace.com/file/54zerk

Put this .zip in your Trackmania folder that you will find in Documents, and then just extract all the stuff there, and the files will be automatically placed in their place.

Also, if you are playing TMNF with steam, I recommend you to download the game outside steam, and then follow the steps above: http://trackmaniaforever.com/nations/
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 30.06.2017, 22:01


Yggdrasil by Niro

Qualified drivers: Manu & Mario
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 02.07.2017, 17:05


Wild Sunrise by Vince

Laps Results

Winner Wirtual
2nd Deus
3rd Jerem
4th Aeq
5th Futhark

Qualified drivers: Deus (1st nonQ Laps Race), Aeq (2nd nonQ Laps Race) & Kings (Fastest Local Time).
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 02.07.2017, 17:29

20 players will play on this 3 maps to get a spot in the finals! Check them out:

Mappack video created by Shortz.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 09.07.2017, 11:22

Qualified to 2nd Round


2nd Round Groups

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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 09.07.2017, 17:02


Materialisation by Paxiuz

Styx by Laurtzy

Minutiae by W_1R

Group Results

Qualified to the final:

Group A: Levon & Jerem
Group B: Wirtual & Deus
Group C: Dawe & Agent
Group D: Berkin & Wojoradi
3rd Position decider Group: Matt & Hoff

Bonus points for Finals
Only added to drivers that reached final.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 09.07.2017, 17:13

Final mappack! The 3 last maps of the cup, featuring 2 maps without blockmixing and a classic builder!

Mappack video created by Shortz.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 09.07.2017, 19:01

Position 11º to 20º

Marius89 is ahead of Pierrepok because of Rank.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 16.07.2017, 19:46


Ipanema Memories by Holzbalken

Brennu-Njálls by Fleshback

Talion IV: Tristesse by Disgo

Final Results


WINNER Wirtual
Second Matt
Third Dawe
4th Wojoradi
5th Hoff
6th Agent
7th Levon
8th Chaoshand
9th Jerem
10th Deus

Thanks everyone for participating in the cup in one way or another. It was awesome to organize another cup, and it worked very very nicely so I'm glad of that. There have been some drama, but what's a cup without drama? Anyways, I enjoyed this full month of people hunting new RPGs, meeting new people and finding out new competent RPG hunters!

What's next? I have no idea but I'd like to keep organizing more cups, if that brings more activity to the RPG scene, which is my main goal, aswell as give people new stuff and a fun experience (:
Last edited by Xerox on 16.07.2017, 23:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 16.07.2017, 20:10


Rank 1: Berkin 5.93 AVG
Rank 2: Wojoradi 6.71 AVG
Rank 3: Jerem 7.29 AVG
Rank 4: Dawe 8.71 AVG
Rank 5: Hoff 9.29 AVG

*Only the best 14 results count*

Top 15 most finished maps
Tweakor has 15 records, his record wasn't saved in 32 Weeks Later.
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Re: RPG Spain Spring Cup 2017 - Driving Contest

Postby Xerox » 16.07.2017, 23:56



Thanks to everyone for donating and helping towards the prizepool! (:
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