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PULSE Winter Building Contest

PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby Thomatos » 18.10.2014, 16:54

/!\ All information mentioned hereunder might change before the deadline, make sure you check this topic regularly, I'll make a new post below to indicate what is new so that you don't have to read the whole topic /!\

                             TMNF/TMU BUILDING CONTEST

            You have from now on until the beginning of January to complete the building of your track !


MAPS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 7/8MN LONG ! (No maximum length)

10 Maps will be selected for the driving contest, other submitted maps will be rewarded too, in a lesser mesure. Builders who submit more than one map and have one or no map selected for the driving contest will only be rewarded once - no need to try and submit 10 maps to get coppers and tags. However, if a builder sees more than one of his maps selected, the total amount of selected maps will be awarded, illustration:

          Builder #1 : 2 maps submitted, 0 selected -> Only gets a prize for ONE UNSELECTED map.
          Builder #2 : 2 maps submitted, 1 selected -> Only gets a prize for the selected map.
          Builder #3 : 2 maps submitted, 2 selected -> Gets a prize for BOTH maps.

Please come to the Pulse RPG server to ask for betatests if needed, it could help you have an external opinion and find cuts/CP miss. I strongly recommend at least one betatest with me before submitting the map.
Please don't have your track tested by your friends or other players than Pulse members !


Prizes will be given according to the following:



Maps will be marked/graded according to 4 criteria - each containing several marking elements you can guess from the descriptions, reaching a total of 100 points, divided as such (not final):

          Driving (30)

                    Try to be creative, don't simply build straight CircuitBase corridors. Innovate, try things that haven't
                    been done before, either in building the actual way or the scenery.

                    Bugs: Points will be removed for bugs that are due to the track and happen often in the same spots,
                    not related to driving skills.

                    Tricks: Have you used standard tricks or created new ones, do they work fine. Or are there even tricks
                    or a simple path.

                    Variety of the tricks: Don't use the same trick 50 times...

                    PS: If there is not enough speed to pass a cp from the cp, just move the cp, don't leave an
                    unrespawnable CP.

          Building/mixing Quality (30)

                    Please, don't leave holes in the ground unless they have a purpose (driving or scenery idc), but try to
                    avoid random-looking holes in the grass/dirt/water.

                    A short list of ugly things you should try and pay attention to; v16 over water, unfinished pools - that
                    let you drop through the stadium,missing water/pool under blocks, grass/dirt transition, unconnected
                    "hollow" poles, missing clips, etc.

                    Don't forget about ugly mixes too, but you should be able to see that by yourself ! (don't be afraid of
                    that criteria, you would probably have fixed most of these anyway :) )

                    Try to avoid flicker as much as possible, please... PLEASE.

          Atmosphere (30)

                    It's not called RPG without a reason, you have to be immersed in the track, feel the mood of it, players
                    have to feel the atmosphere you wanted to give your track. Scenery is good, but it has to be in relation
                    to the mod and the story, this criteria actually marks the coherence of it all and the capacity of that
                    whole to create a nice atmosphere.

                    Story: Does the track have a story, is it interesting, creative and nicely set up in the map !
                    "Your friends got lost in the jungle, find them back" isn't creative for example.)

                    Scenery: I will count both the overview (cam7 from top), and the scenery around the driving parts.
                    Don't overdo it either - you might not want to end up with a 35k cc track, but build some scenery !
                    (Hint: don't build futuristic-looking scenery if you're making a middle-age based track, some blocks
                    fit better to some styles)

                    You don't HAVE TO use MT, but an intro would be nice at least, some ingame MT would grant you more
                    points, but I won't be too harsh on this grade as a track can have a nice atmosphere without MT -
                    however, if your track has got a story, MT could come up useful. Tracks with nicely used MT will get
                    bonus points as mentioned below, you should definitely try to put some if you have enough time left !

          Entertainment (10)

                    General interest and feelings about driving the track, does it feel entertaining or boring. Are there
                    recurrent bugs ruining the experience of the track ? Would you feel like driving it again - over and
                    over again to hunt the track ?

          BONUS POINTS

                    If your MT is nice and used well, if you made your own mod to fit the track/story, if the track looks
                    really good from top, etc.


If you moved to TM2 and have some coppers left on your TMNF account or simply wish to donate, feel free to come to Pulse RPG to donate, or send me the coppers (login: thomatos) so that we can make prizes higher :) !

edit: Thanks to all the guys who have donated already and will enable us to make prizes higher :) ! Keep on donating !


You don't NEED to register, but it would be great, for me to keep track of who will/might build a track for the contest, and ask them for betas for example.

Link to the registration topic: http://www.trackmania-rpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=1445

Registered already:


Not registered (yet), but mentioned a track (nothing too sure in this list so don't expect too much) :

Last edited by Thomatos on 08.02.2015, 13:44, edited 149 times in total.
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby Pulse Ziza » 18.10.2014, 17:46

sisi la famille

gogo builder !
Pulse Ziza
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby Thomatos » 21.10.2014, 10:26

Updated Topic!
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby Pulse Ziza » 21.10.2014, 15:55

Pulse Ziza
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby paxiuz » 25.10.2014, 01:19

Hmm I was wondering, are TMNF maps accepted ?
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby Pulse Ziza » 25.10.2014, 10:05

it is a TM 1 contest ====> tmu + tmnf yes ^^
Pulse Ziza
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby paxiuz » 25.10.2014, 15:45

In ! 8)
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby Thomatos » 25.10.2014, 17:11

That wasn't the registration topic paxiuz but nvm, I added you to the list there ^^
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby BuLL||DoZer » 13.12.2014, 15:48

I think my Track is a bit too short: :/ 6:00-6:30 is a fast try...
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby Thomatos » 19.12.2014, 15:13

Could do, we have some really long maps, so a few shorter ones won't hurt I guess ;)
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby Thomatos » 20.12.2014, 23:08

Thanks to all the guys who have donated already and will enable us to make prizes higher :) ! Keep on donating !
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby realh » 25.12.2014, 21:18

When's the deadline?
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby Pulse Ziza » 26.12.2014, 09:31

humm, player contest will be in february, so, giviing the map during january will be ok, just to have the time for a final beta and little change maybe ^^ middle january
Pulse Ziza
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby BuLL||DoZer » 26.12.2014, 13:40

How can i send my Track per PM... I don't find anything to insert a file. :/
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Re: PULSE Winter Building Contest

Postby Nunquam » 26.12.2014, 21:58

By hosting the track somewhere and sending the link to download it in a PM
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