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iGn RPG Cup 2016 - Infos - DELAYED

iGn RPG Cup 2016 - Infos - DELAYED

Postby Mario » 21.07.2016, 19:32

Hey guys, here are the long awited details for the upcoming RPG Cup by iGn :)

The Cup in short:


13.08.2016 6pm - 10.09.2016 6pm (CEST)

Cup join: tmtp://#join=marioprivate
Cup favourite: tmtp://#addfavourite=marioprivate
Special Cup join: tmtp://#join=ign_cup
Special Cup favourite: tmtp://#addfavourite=ign_cup

- 3 Weeks Qualification, 1 Week Final (4 new maps each week = 16 maps in total)
- Each Saturday at 6pm a new mappack of 4 maps starts
- Skip is always after 5 hours playtime
-> That results in an end of rotation at 10am on saturday, then a special map starts which will stay on server till 6pm
-> On every Saturday there will be a special event, just before the beginning of next map-rotation

- Top 25 Local Records will gain points on each Map
- Each player has 3 jokers, means the 3 worst maps wont count into the calculation for the final
- After 3 Weeks and all calculations, Top 15 players will advance to the finals!

1. 35 p.
2. 33 p.
3. 31 p.
4. 29 p.
5. 27 p.
6. 25 p.
7. 23 p.
8. 21 p.
9. 19 p.
10.17 p.
11. 15 p.
12. 14 p.
13. 13 p.
14. 12 p.
15. 11 p.
etc. till 1 Point for Rank 25

- Same as qualifications, but only the finalists count
- Everyone can drive on the server

Special Map:
- On every Saturday 10am - 6pm there will be a special map running on the server, TOP 5 players on that map will get rewarded!

Special Cups:
- On every Saturday at 3pm there will be a Special Cup
- Another server will be used for these cups:
-> Special Cup join: tmtp://#join=ign_cup
-> Special Cup favourite: tmtp://#addfavourite=ign_cup
- Details for each of these Cups will be avilable shortly before the whole cup starts!

At the moment we have a total of 150k coppers to give out as prize, that amount will grow with donations before and during the cup. On the last week we will announce the exact amount of coppers/value of Tags for each place.

There will be prizes for:
- Top 15 players of finals
- Top 5 players of Special Map
- Top 3 players of each Special Cup
- Top Rank each week
- A special Gold Tag for the highest Donation on the server
- A Gold Tag for each map builder
- Maybe more to come!

  1. No Alt-Ways allowed
  2. If you find a cut, please tell other players for fairplay!
  3. First Local always has to upload his replay to TMX!
  4. Please award maps you like :)
  5. Respect other players and keep everything fair
  6. Respect the admins

Thanks to all Donations so far!

Login for Donations: oiram456

Chatons: 20.000
Popgun: 15.000
Sog: 12.600
Monsi: 11.169
Techno: 10.000
Deus: 10.000
Nunni: 8.000
Pierrepok: 5.000
Blast: 5.000
Smolievski: 5.000
Rossi: 4.700
Thom: 1.500
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Posts: 340
Joined: 17.07.2010, 17:08

Re: iGn RPG Cup 2016 - Infos

Postby Mario » 12.08.2016, 17:24


im sorry to inform you guys that the cup has to be delayed :(
I'm struggling with huge network problems lately every time i start an online game, no matter which game, it works for the first few minutes then i get a network reset and i cant login for like an hour.
I've called my provider and they dont know either whats the cause, its stable and fast all the time but decides to rip as soon as i start something. So they need to come and try to fix and/or i have to switch to another provider and that will take some time.

Aslong as i have these problems i cant guarrantee a stable and flawless cup and also cant host all the special events planned inbetween, so i have to delay it...

I plan to do it in autumn if all works good by that time.

There is a positive side effects though:
- All builder who were too late/had no time to finish their tracks for the cup have some extra time now!

Regarding maps for the cup, if you decide to release them and dont want to wait till it starts then its totally okay, but i the map wont be in cup then. On the other side im happy for every mapper who decides to wait till it begins :)

Same for the donations, if you want your coppers back just write me a message.

Im very sorry for this, would have loved to start this cup tomorrow :cry:
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Re: iGn RPG Cup 2016 - Infos - DELAYED

Postby fleshback » 13.08.2016, 07:02

good luck with ur technical issues o/
Posts: 18
Joined: 19.09.2012, 15:51

Re: iGn RPG Cup 2016 - Infos - DELAYED

Postby Yanos » 13.08.2016, 13:32

No prob courage and take it easy if possible :D
Posts: 2
Joined: 03.04.2016, 12:12

Re: iGn RPG Cup 2016 - Infos - DELAYED

Postby Adentalis » 29.09.2016, 13:38

any new news Mario?!
Posts: 3
Joined: 17.09.2015, 15:48

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