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MoonBase Mod by Sol666 + Ra Mod by Stromek

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MoonBase Mod by Sol666 + Ra Mod by Stromek

Postby RPG-BLOG.bot » 09.05.2010, 15:31

I have been waiting a little longer than originally planned for the presentation of the first mods that were submitted for the <a href="http://trackmaniarpg.blogspot.com/2010/03/introducing-rpg-community-mod-contest.html">RPG community mod contest</a> and unfortunately, due to seemingly very little interest in this contest, the following two mods from Sol666 and Stromek will be the last ones I'm going to present. Thanks a lot you two for putting the effort into participating in this contest!

<img class="headimg2" src="http://www.vinummusik.de/Trackmania/moonbase.jpg" />

Author: <a href="http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main.aspx?action=usershow&id=200345#auto">Sol666</a>
Mod download: <a href="http://www.vinummusik.de/Trackmania/MoonBase.zip">http://www.vinummusik.de/Trackmania/MoonBase.zip</a>(28.4mb)

There are 149 modified textures, the following are taken from Lunar Cross:

Furthermore, I modified StadiumRoadGrid.dds from the original Nadeo textures to create my StadiumRoad and StadiumFabric textures.

Author's description:
<blockquote>As I am a science-fiction fan, I like to build sci-fi themed mods. In this case, I updated one of my old mods (Lunar Cross) which originally contained only dirt textures.
This mod is meant to simulate a moon base, so I used a lot of (rusty) metal textures, basically with the colors grey and yellow. I changed the light settings to very bright light and a dark sky, as the moon has no atmosphere. In night and sunset mood, there is a decent mip map effect on the StadiumFabricL: light is white in the distance, yellow when you get closer. I'd recommend sunset or night mood to make use of the changed lightmaps.
As I also wanted to use this mod for dirt tracks, which are usually very open, it is designed for closed rooms as well as for open scenery. There should be a lot of possibilities to use it in sci-fi based RPG maps, especially the outside atmosphere is very authentic I think. </blockquote>

<div class="cntr"><object height="480" width="800"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/khUX72LrKsE&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01&hd=1"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/khUX72LrKsE&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x2a2a2a&color2=0xe2ded5&hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="480" width="800"></embed></object></div><strong></strong>

<hr />
<img class="headimg2" src="http://www.vinummusik.de/Trackmania/ramod.jpg" />

Author: <a href="http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main.aspx?action=usershow&id=65353#auto">Stromek</a>
Mod download: <a href="http://www.vinummusik.de/Trackmania/Ramod.zip">http://www.vinummusik.de/Trackmania/Ramod.zip</a>(14.7mb)
Textures modified: 131
Special texture: the dirt texture is real sand from the river S
Posts: 79
Joined: 16.04.2010, 17:13

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